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The story behind your user title
So everyone, what's the deal with those funky user titles?

Mine is "Boss Rush Mode" and it refers to one of my music projects. BRM specifically does metal versions of old school video game tunes (yes, another one of those lol)

One of these days I'll stop being lazy and post them on YouTube.
My username is after a video game character, and he kinda like goes around in dreams. And I have seen him be called the Dream Traveller a couple of times. So I just went with it.
when you confront Axle the Red to fight him in Mega Man X5, one of his sentences is "If I win, you'll become my servant!". I just shortened "become" to "be".
Mine comes from an amphibious creature known in Guild Wars 2 as Quaggan.

Here's a picture of one:
[Image: quaggan_by_chezzepticon-d5lc9iz.png]
Mine's based off something from JJBA; the ripple, which is some kinda of fictional breathing technique designed to make the human body both stronger and more resilient, as well to allow the user to 'use the rays of the sun' to make their attacks stronger.
Teh Zombie Masta! Comes from me being lord and master of all zombies EVERYWHERE! When the zombie outbreak starts, you better know exactly who to blame. Because I don't, I would never do such an evil and cruel thing.
I haunt the users from DYKG, they tried to escape from me and go to this forum but had very little luck.
Cause i like Earthbound.
Cause I'm a total Sonic freak!
Mine shows my love for cups of tea. :) As a Brit we have to stick to some of the stereotypes we have been given! :P
I got bored of making generic names and so one day I made a Blood Elf rogue in WoW (About 5 years ago) and I named him Xannidel and I just really liked that name, it was so unique and so it is my online handle forevermore.
My friend had a D&D character named Arjahn, which he apparently got from the Reccomended Dragonborn names in the Player's Handbook... so I stole it.
The end.
(03-19-2013, 03:31 PM)Xannidel Wrote: I got bored of making generic names and so one day I made a Blood Elf rogue in WoW (About 5 years ago) and I named him Xannidel and I just really liked that name, it was so unique and so it is my online handle forevermore.

(03-19-2013, 03:44 PM)Arjahn Wrote: My friend had a D&D character named Arjahn, which he apparently got from the Reccomended Dragonborn names in the Player's Handbook... so I stole it.
The end.

User title, not username. lol
I got it from my username, which I made on xbox live to stand out among all the xXNoonSleyrzXx.
(03-19-2013, 03:51 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote:
(03-19-2013, 03:31 PM)Xannidel Wrote: I got bored of making generic names and so one day I made a Blood Elf rogue in WoW (About 5 years ago) and I named him Xannidel and I just really liked that name, it was so unique and so it is my online handle forevermore.

(03-19-2013, 03:44 PM)Arjahn Wrote: My friend had a D&D character named Arjahn, which he apparently got from the Reccomended Dragonborn names in the Player's Handbook... so I stole it.
The end.

User title, not username. lol

I said what I said...

My title came from my love for wizards and because I like to see myself as a gentleman...LAWL AMIRITE?

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