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That one game you didn't want until you played it, then wanted the hell out of it.
In other words, what was a game you bought just because, you didn't really want it, you just sort of had it laying around, bought it in the steam sale etc., then loved it to bits you wanted more of it.

I have lots of games like these, The Wonderful 101 was the most recent. I tried the demo twice and hated it to bits, then bought the game because people said it was a good game. Fucking loved it after a while, it was so fucking good.

God Hand too, I don't think I ever told this story, but the entire reason I knew about God Hand was because I was a dirty casual who didn't hear about it before 2012. People kept talking about it, and said that if you haven't played it you're a casual, so as I had no idea what it was, I googled it, and looked around for it. I eventually bought it from Cex for £12 in 2012, and fucking loved the hell out of it. Once I got good of course.

Driver San Fransisco was another. I didn't even want the game, my brother bought it cause it was cheap. Fucking loved that too.

Fallout 1, and 3 was also some games I didn't really want. I hated 3 when I played it for the first time, but then went back to it after a terrible game of MW2 back when I still played that game like a madman, soon completed it and got all the achievements.

As for Fallout 1, I felt that I should play it to know the background to the games, and that's what I did. I found it difficult to play, especially at 640x480 on a laptop which would heat up to 9 million degrees when I'd play it. I did complete it and loved it to bits as it was really fucking fun.

Phoenix Wright was another, didn't know what I was expecting when I played the first game about seven years ago, but hey here I am now.

So what about you guys, what game did you play on a whim, then loved it so fucking much that you wanted more of it?
Xenoblade Chronicles, I am playing it since 5-6 days and I have already like 60 hours. It's so good. There are a lot of stuff that I don't like in it but I do with them.

I knew it was good but back in the days I was just "Ok, cool." , didn't really care about it. Started it because I know a new one will be relesaed on the Wii U so I want to do this one before.

I think it's the only example I have.
I first played Fallout New Vegas on a really crappy computer and my first impressions were pretty bad. But one day a few weeks after I got a new graphics card I remembered that I had it, so I tried it out, then I spent a very long time playing it. And now I have almost all of the Fallout games and FNV is my second most played game on Steam.
GTA 5. Wasn't really excited when I first saw, but I got it a few days ago and now I'm hooked.
Lots of people told me "NieR is one of the best game ever". I was like "Looks like a hipster game or something :P".

Anyway i found it for 15€, played it 8 months later.

The first 3 hours were good but not "THAT GOOD" and i was worried about what's coming next.

When i reached half of the game it was impossible for me to stop playing.
The soundtrack is outstanding and this is one of the most powerful/heartbreaking story i have ever seen in any video game.

Now it's my favorite game.
Bayonetta and Madworld make this for me. I first I thought they look generic beat em ups. When I played them. I couldn't get enough of them.
Sleeping Dogs. I heard about the game before and was like almost all of my friends, "It's just GTA in China." Then I got it for free on Xbox and started playing it and I loved it. Superb game, excellent story, nice graphics, beautiful city, and likeable characters, but the only thing that is bad about it is the driving.
I have a good number of these games. A few of them where me saying "why the hell not" and others were my mom just guessing what I might like. A list of the ones I remember:

Enter The Matrix
The Godfather
Tomb Raider series
Sphinx and The Cursed Mummy
Fallout 3
Prince of Persia series
I uh... I don't think I have a game like this. I only buy games that I am already interested in.

I do have games that I did want but after I played them I didn't like them anymore.
Pokemon Blue. When I first got to play that all those years ago, the hype was insane. Still remember when I first played it. This is back when Pokemon was just starting so I didn't even really know what to expect.

The only other game I can think of is Majoras Mask. I played it 3/4 years after it came out. Keep in mind this is after playing through all the other Zelda game and absolutely loving the hell out of The Wind Waker but daaamn. Once I finally gave Majoras Mask a chance, I was a changed Zelda player forever. To this day I still highly rate it and would recommend it to anyone.
Minecraft (Xbox 360 Edition). Only bought it because I got tired of the games I've beat. Did a tutorial on a trial play, wasn't impressed, bought it anyways. Loved it once I started a new world .
I heard about Harvest Moon games and thought that they would be the stupidest thing in the history of gaming...
Until I played Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for the gamecube and fell in love.
Can I be honest, I didn't like the idea of Super Smash Bros at first but playing brawl totally changed my mind on that.
Actually, I lied. I just thought of one game. The one game that ended up being my favorite game of all time, and one that I ended up purchasing all possible releases of. Cave Story. I seriously thought it was some kind of a dungeon crawler when I first heard the name and never bothered to check what it was actually about.
Kingdom Hearts was a game that I despised because I had the stupid mentality of "A game with Final Fantasy and Disney characters oh this should be horrible in every way" then I grew up and gave a chance and I really enjoy the series and thought Square did a tremendous job of making the story really good.

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