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Games you got into late, but loved.
So, have you guys got into any games super late and loved them a lot, even if they were backwards, graphically inferior or just old in general.

Also, by old I don't mean games you got into like a year later, I mean something like a game 5+ years ago or last gen or so.

For me I got into a lot of games late, but loved them.

Skies of Arcadia is one, got into that 12 years after it came out and loved it to bits.
Super Metroid is kinda a late one for me, I played it back in 2008 (which is still pretty late) and found it kinda boring, but finished it in 2013 and it was great.
God Hand is another that I got into in 2012, it was great too. Didn't finish that till 2013.
Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and 3 are others. All completed in 2012.
Jet Set Radio could be another, since I never played the original until 10 years after it came out, and didn't complete it till 2012.

Probably a lot more I can't think of, but how about you guys?
The Metal Gear games for me. I didn't play a Metal Gear game until late 2012, and then before the end 2013 I almost beat them all. And also the God of War games. I tried the first for a bit once, then a few months later started it again, and then within a month I had beaten the entire saga collection.
I didn't get into the Leisure Suit Larry series until it was about 2009(I'm talking about the original Larry series, not the attempted reboot series that had nothing to do with Al Lowe's creation). It was one of the first video games I've played that showed me that M rated video games could be funny and creative for adults. That didn't need to be 'in your face' violence. Kinda wish that the producer of replay games kept it in his pants to not make Al Lowe retire again.
As surprising as it may seem, I didn't get into the Grand Theft Auto series until mid 2012. I had played it once or twice at a friend's house, but was never into it myself. I played Vice City on my friend's iPad one day and I got into the series for some odd reason from there on. I started with III, then VC, then I played 1 and 2, along with the London games, then SA, LCS, VCS, IV,TLaD, TBoGT, and V, in that order. Good times in such a short time.
I didn't play Fable: The Lost Chapters until sometime in 2012 (released in 2005). My friend brought it over and had me try. Unfortunately, I've only played it for a few hours, but I love it. I really plan on getting Fable Anniversary.
I also got Fable 2 (released 2008) in 2013. I got it because of how much I loved Fable. Unfortunately, my disc broke when I was pulling it out of the case, but I had already beat it.
I have yet to play Fable 3, but it's the last favorite of everyone I know. So...
Let's see here.
I didn't get into Jaxter untill I bought all three games two years ago.
My mom bought me the first ratchet game in my sophomore year (2009), but I started liking the games when I bought 2 in 2011 and later on 3 in 2013.
I just got into DoA thanks to my brother.
I got into Half-life last year.

The last two I'm really sad I played so late.

(07-29-2014, 07:26 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I have yet to play Fable 3, but it's the last favorite of everyone I know. So...

I can tell you that you are not missing much. It is boring as all hell. It's the reason that I have yet to even think of touching the other games.
Metal Gear series, as I didn't get into it until a year after MGS4 came out. Liked it, so I bought MGS1 from PSN when it came out. Had to mentally check with myself that "It's an old PS1 game, expect it to not work exactly like MGS4 did." Ended up liking it more than MGS4, so I got into MGS2,3 and PW when they came out on HD. By far Peace Walker is the one that stood out the most for me.

Dark Souls, sort of. I got Demon Souls when it came out, but got my shit wrecked too often and gave up. Only ever managed to beat the first boss, which was that Slime-thing.
I didn't start playing Dark Souls until a few weeks ago, so I'm like 2 years behind on that craze. So far I'm really liking it. Will likely get into DS2 and Blood Borne.
I got Borderlands 1 a good 2 years after its last dlc. I remember because my Science teacher at the time played it as well. I had it on xbox and never really beat it because first x-box 360s never last, but it stuck with me long enough to get it on steam and beat it about a month before the second one came out, which I had pre-ordered as well. I like the second one more combat wise, but it just doesn't have the same feel to it as the first one. It feels more complete, tailored to the experience. The first one was broken, reused a lot of assets, and could feel pretty bleak. I liked it so much more.
My entire Sega Genesis collection. I own so many games for the daggon thing now and I didn't own one until a few years ago.
Oh, and Dirt 2 on PC. Love that game. Today, I just bought and played Crash Nitronic Rush for the first time, not half bad.
I only recently got into tales series games with the only real experience I had with them beforehand being a small bit of Symphonia, which I'm now playing from the Chronicles version.
Mischief Makers on N64, I am playing it since one week, this game is so cool, play it! I don't do the next level if I don't have the S rank and the collectible, and it's really hard.
Pretty much the whole of Dreamcast. I bought one when I was already in the army, so I guess it must've been somewhere around 2009 or something like that. Before that I had only seen my friend play some random games on his years before. An awesome console and an awesome library of games for such a short lifespan. Let's see, what else...

I got into the Final Fantasy series rather late. I played Tactics Advance when it came out in 2003 and it was my first FF game. After that I went into the previous games in the series, namely FFVII and the original. I've bought every main series title from between those since and a couple of spinoffs too.

After playing pretty much every single Resident Evil title out there I finally bought Dino Crisis, Dino Crisis 2 and Dino Stalker a few years back.

I didn't play Sonic the Hedgehog until 20something, don't remember the exact year, and loved it.

I hadn't even heard of White Day: A Labyrinth Named School until late 2012 and I didn't look into it until late last year. Man is it a great horror game. I mean, REALLY good. Such a shame it has fallen into obscurity.

Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet is another great obscure horror/adventure game. I found it on Abandonia a few years back and thought it looks gorgeous for a DOS game. Such great animation on the sprites.

I don't think this really counts but I only got into Corpse Party after playing the PSP port of the remake of the remake, about 16 years after the game was originally released. The reason I don't think it counts is because the PSP version was the first one to ever get a Western release. I did go and play the original remake (such a weird thing to say) later on, though.
Xenoblade Chronicles and Banjo Kazooie. To me, they seem legendary.
I should add that I didn't get into Chrono trigger until my middle school days. It was also around that time I got introduced to Rare's n64 games thanks to a club that was going on at the middle school.
I don't know if you'd call it late per-say, but I just started getting into Fire Emblem Awakening, and it is awesome. I think the hype matches it well.

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