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Monster Hunter 3U discussion
Want to create a hunting party? Want to exchange tips or tricks about the hunt?

This is the thread for it. Talk about MonHun 3U and all things MonHun right here!

I've just started out on the game on the 3DS, but I got it on the 3DS and Wii. I'm using my Circle Pad Pro XL for the first time! Feel free to add me via Wii U. My NNID is the same as my forum ID. If you want to add my 3DS, PM me. Both are also in the gamertag thread.

Anyone else playing?
I really want to try Monster Hunter so bad, but Capcom won't release it on any of the platforms I own. :(
I'm thinking of getting Monster Hunter 3DS. Just gonna wait and see. Though i tried the demo and I suck donkeys.
Just picked up the Wii U version a few hours ago, first impressions:
And yeah if you guys want to form a hunting party, let me know.
(03-19-2013, 07:43 PM)Arjahn Wrote: Just picked up the Wii U version a few hours ago, first impressions:
And yeah if you guys want to form a hunting party, let me know.

I'll friend request you. Looks like I won't be able to until Capcom releases the save transfer tool, so it might be a little while. Hopefully it's just Nintendo being dumb and holding it until Thursday.

(03-19-2013, 06:48 PM)Berry Wrote: I'm thinking of getting Monster Hunter 3DS. Just gonna wait and see. Though i tried the demo and I suck donkeys.

Keep trying! I wasn't very good at all when I started out.

Have you tried different weapons? If you have a hard time chasing down a monster you might think of something that gives you more mobility. And don't be afraid to place traps!

Remember to get items out of the box. When your stamina is low, eat some steak, sharpen your weapon if it gets dull, and don't be afraid to use medicine if you're hurting. They give you a lot.

TIP: On the 3DS version, tapping L centers the camera back behind you. Don't forget to turn on lock-on mode if you have a hard time finding the monster. When you press L, you'll center on it instead. (If you have the lock on and want to center behind you, double tap L)
Just got it on the 3DS, but sadly I do not own a wii u yet. :(
Great game though! Totally worth it.
I already had the Japanese 3DS version but never really played it because my Japanese wasn't good enough to understand 75% of it, and I just picked up the Wii U version so I can play them both side-by-side.

So glad I can finally enjoy this amazing game! ^^;;
(03-20-2013, 12:10 AM)banshiryuu Wrote: I already had the Japanese 3DS version but never really played it because my Japanese wasn't good enough to understand 75% of it, and I just picked up the Wii U version so I can play them both side-by-side.

So glad I can finally enjoy this amazing game! ^^;;

Oh yeah. I've been thinking about getting a Japanese 3DS, but I feel like it's not really worth it for me yet. I only have one import title on Vita and one on PS3 because I don't tend to buy newer Japanese games. They're just so much more expensive.

That's why most of my collection of import games are FC and SFC, haha.

Anyways, I really hope that transfer tool comes out soon. It looks like i might have to pick up a Wii U LAN adapter so I can use the Ultimate Packet Swapping Tool to play online on my 3DS. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, though.
Hmmm I don't know if I should get the 3DS version I've heard you can not go online and since that's a main part of MH...yeah
(03-20-2013, 09:17 PM)PurpleRiverGaming Wrote: Hmmm I don't know if I should get the 3DS version I've heard you can not go online and since that's a main part of MH...yeah

You couldn't really on the PSP ones either, though (without using Ad Hoc Party, which the Ultimate Packet Swapping tool basically is)

But yeah, without a Wii U, Ultimate Packet Swapping Tool (Coming... soon?) and LAN adapter for the Wii U, you can't play the 3DS one online. To me, the main draw is that you can transfer your save data...

Well you're supposed to be able to...

I just found some nice tutorials for Monster Hunter 3U on Youtube that might really help you out if you're a beginning player.
I tried the Wii U demo and I didnt feel it was a big enough upgrade form the original Wii version to purchase
I cannot wait to pick up this game. Tri was the first Monster Hunter game I ever played and it was awesome. I've played the MH3U demo over and over again so I could master the controls for when I buy the game.
Would someone highly recommend this game to someone who's never owned or played Monster Hunter before and has had a relative interest in trying the game out? And do you lose any sort of playability by NOT getting the 3DS version too?
I'd definitely reccomend it for newcomers, it's the most accessible game in the series, giving you nice armor and every weapon type to start with, and the game gets really good once you get into it. So long as you can stick it out and get used to the different mechanics in the beginning, you'll definitely be rewarded with one of the best and most addicting games out there.
Also, you don't really lose anything in the core game from not getting both versions, the 3DS one is more for playing on the go (which is insanely useful during school by the way :/ ) and with friends locally. It should be noted that only the Wii U version has Online play, which is really well done for the most part, but aside from that the versions are essentially identical.
You can also transfer save files between the two, so you can play as the same hunter on the Wii U and the 3DS.
Oh, and just so you know, the Demos don't quite do the games justice. The real fun comes from selecting your target, finding him, then destroying him so you can carve his flesh and bones into badass weapons and armor so you can slay even more of his brethren >:D

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