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Robin Williams is dead of possible suicide

First we lose Harold Ramis, then Bob Hoskins, and now we've lost Robin Williams. I didn't think my 1000th post would be about this. I'm shocked. I knew that he had problems, but I didn't think he'd pull the trigger to himself. He will be missed since he was a funny guy.
Well that really bites...
Also, congrats on 1000 posts!
Add in the fact that he makes the second actor from Hook in the main cast to pass away.

That man was apart of my childhood, from Aladdin as the Genie, Peter Pan in Hook, Batty in Fern Gully. Even some of his other films I saw later in life that were less comedic were still fantastic. What Dreams May Come and The Awakenings were some of the best moves I've ever watched that he was in.
Hook and Good Will Hunting are my two favorite he was in. Good actor.
This is just crazy, he was one of my favorite actors. My favorites from him, were Jumanji and The Bicentennial Man. R.I.P. Robin Williams.
Yeah congrats on 1000 posts mate ^_^

dude but seriously The Big Wedding was the best fucking movie of my childhood rip in rip "movie quote"
Most people will remember Robin for voicing the genie in Aladdin. but he's done other great roles in his acting career as well(my favorite is him acting with Bob Hoskins in Hook). But he had a ton of friends(and family) in the community. Oddly enough he was very good friends with late animation director legend Chuck Jones. I will regret not getting the chance to meet with Robin. I would have loved to talked to him about his movies as well as The legend of zelda with him and have a few laughs.
I was hoping this was some elaborate hoax. Man, this sucks.
The first thing I remember about him is Flubber and Jumanji. Important parts of my childhood right there.
But, that is life I guess. Sucks big time.
When I read about his death on Twitter, I was very surprised. I thought it was some sort of hoax until I saw Fox News and other credible sources mentioning about Robin William's death. He was one of my favorite actors during my childhood. May he rest in peace.
(08-11-2014, 09:07 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: The first thing I remember about him is Flubber and Jumanji. Important parts of my childhood right there.
But, that is life I guess. Sucks big time.

God, Flubber is another good one and Jumanji I must have watched dozens of times in my childhood when it first came out and not enough in my young adulthood.

Gonna be a bit of movie watching for the next couple of days I'll tell you that.


Just bought a ton of the movies I liked with him in it that I don't have off Amazon and not surprisingly, a lot of people had the same idea so some of his movies are temporarily out of stock. Only ones on its way out of 7 bluray movies are Happy Feet and Robots.

Hook, The Awakening, What Dreams May Come, Bicentennial Man, and Jumanji are out of stock right now. Among others. So if you are like me and wanted to have something to remember once more why he was such a great influence in our lives in one form or another, you are gonna have to wait or find another means of doing so.

Thankfully I already have Fern Gully on DVD, but no Aladdin yet. Waiting for bluray version to finally be made for the US.
Hook, Jumanji, Bicentennial Man, Flubber, Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire and so much more. Films I love. Really awesome actor and comedian. Sad to see him go.

I've been trying to process my thoughts about this for good part of the day. It's rare that celebrity death bothers me so much but this one does. I've seen pretty much everything he's been in, multiple times. For the longest time, he was my favorite actor. I don't think I've ever been this upset about someone I've never met personally dying. I can't imagine how much this is getting to his family. May he rest in peace.
(08-12-2014, 02:36 AM)RepentantSky Wrote: I've been trying to process my thoughts about this for good part of the day. It's rare that celebrity death bothers me so much but this one does. I've seen pretty much everything he's been in, multiple times. For the longest time, he was my favorite actor. I don't think I've ever been this upset about someone I've never met personally dying. I can't imagine how much this is getting to his family. May he rest in peace.

Same. I mean, James Avery was a large part of my life as well with Uncle Phil and Shredder, but his death didn't nearly affect me as much as this one does. This one stings. A lot. The more movies I saw of him and the more I learnt about him, the more I realized what an amazing man he was. What he did for the crew of Shindler's List and for Christopher Reeves, for example, should be things he will always be remembered by. I grew up watching his movies, saw a lot of his more serious movies in later years, saw his stand-up shows and began to see just how much of a great man he was. Yeah ... this one stings.
Good morning, Vietnam! Good night, Robin Williams...

(08-11-2014, 09:12 PM)Soulixius Wrote: Fox News and other credible sources

I don't think these two should be in the same sentence.

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