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JonTron discussion
[Image: JONTRON2.jpg]

JonTron! The Bearded Bard, the Sultan of Suave, the guy with the parrot.

You may've seen one of his videos, or all of them. He's generally always seen with his parrot Jacque and has been known for his randomness when presenting material. With currently over 400,000 subscribers, what's not to like.

He's also presented a number of "Did You Know Gaming" videos which you can check out here: (The Legend of Zelda Part 1) (Final Fantasy) (Banjo-Kazooie)

So then discuss, do you have a favorite episode? What game would you like to see him critique?

For all discussion related to Game Grumps, head over to this thread:
I came across JonTron in 2 years ago in 2011 ....on the Xbox. Once the YouTube "App" came to the Xbox I was recommend videos from a user(JonTron) and just thought I was might as well check out 'em. Oh man, is that dude comedy gold. So.... frikkin'... funny. I haven't any of his new content as JonTron but I keep up with him on Game Grumps occasionally. I remember I even made a joke saying he was lying about the boxes on his Home Improvement video, and he responded with a *sigh*(and something else).

Reviewing bad games is pretty much over done at this point and it's always going to be compared to the AVGN, but JonTron has a really interesting take on reviews. He adds comedic music, adds skits(WTF IS A SONIC!?), hilarious over-exaggerated voices, strange explanations and the literal/metaphor annotations just make his videos enjoyable as heck to watch.
Been a fan since I saw his Charlie's Angels video. His Birdemic video is my all time favorite.
Would love to see him review The Room or some other crappy movie.
I first saw his videos about a year ago, it had been recommended to me by YouTube because I was looking through old Video game adverts, not only was he top ten accurate but I was laughing all the way through it. I've been a fan ever since.
I found my love for Jon 2 years ago when I looked up "Castlevania legacy of darkness N64" or something around that and what do you know, Jon's 2 part review appeared. So by choice I took it upon my self to choose his video, something I am glad I did to this day, and it started of with that catchy as fuck theme of his and the cool video of him walking (if you think walking is cool that is). Then the mood changes drastically from joy and fun to mystery and darkness, with the opening of the candles, the paintings, and the a storm in the background (of course this draws my attention). But then it shows the box and zooms into the face of the werewolf, which I thought was hilarious and it started playing clips of different Castlevanias. But then that's when it happened, I saw the face of what then I thought was an angle... with a bird on it's shoulder, and I was right, it was an angel IT WAS JON JAFARI and Jacque. And then he made a mistake within the first minute by saying "One of the best video game serieses of all time."....serieses....serieses......SERIESES!? Are ya serious right now, no. NO, ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW...ah whatever I forgave him. But yeah that's basically it...
I really dig his title sequence and accompanying theme song. Jontron~ *beeping crescendo*
New Video. New logo by me, yay.
I saw his new video. Nice new logo, Shane. I think I like this one better.
I for one welcome back our former JonTron overlord.
Ok, new video. It's great! See you all again in 8 months. kthxbai.
I loved the new video, it's great to see him in an original video again. And great work on the logo, it looks fantastic.
Jon needs to do a review on hot pepper gaming!

I wonder if he's gonna do a let's play channel. That would be awesome!

But yeah Jon sure didn't disappoint with that video. He's one of the most entertaining Youtubers and I'm glad to see him properly back. (Even before he left GG was getting stale to me.)
I could watch that new intro for hours. It's so snazzy.
(09-26-2013, 03:55 AM)Artwark Wrote: Jon needs to do a review on hot pepper gaming!

I wonder if he's gonna do a let's play channel. That would be awesome!

It would be... but looks at his StarCraft and LoL channels...

Yeah. Didn't last long.

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