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GTA V banned from Target Australia

This just in. Targets in Australia have given in to the complaints of feminists of having Grand Theft Auto V being marketed in the stores. All I can say is this. If women don't like grand theft auto for its violence, then they should just ignore it rather than raise hell about it. Things like this aren't marketed for you. Banning it for 'female violence' is rather stupid. Beating on women is not the full part of the game, its optional, but not fully part of it. 

And don't point your fingers on 'protecting the kids' either. That excuse will not fly with me. Those kids are going to get exposed to bad things in this world. You can't keep them protected forever under your light of sunshine. Its complaints like this that make me disgusted. 
Nothing needs be said. Australia has already been lost.
I guess people don't see the large "R 18+, RESTRICTED." on the front cover.
What I think is stupid, is that they caved to that statement about violence against women, as if the game only allows you to kill women. Most of the people you are required to kill are men. In fact, killing women is pretty much entirely something you do on the side. I know there was like, 41K signatures on that stupid petition, but really target? Stick to your guns a bit, you just set the gaming industry back a few steps by caving like that.

Just a reminder of how touchy Australia is. Given the reasoning on some of these titles, I'm honestly surprised it was just the violence against women that got GTA banned since other elements that make the game M rated was what banned the others.

I do wish parents were more educated on the ESRB rating system, though. It would help a lot. I know whenever I wanted a game I was too young for my mom made me show her why it got that rating and explain the context that its in. She didn't have much of an issue with me playing Teen games since I was 13 when I was interested in them. M titles were a lot touchier.
(12-03-2014, 10:44 PM)CLXcool Wrote:

This just in. Targets in Australia have given in to the complaints of feminists of having Grand Theft Auto V being marketed in the stores. All I can say is this. If women don't like grand theft auto for its violence, then they should just ignore it rather than raise hell about it. Things like this aren't marketed for you. Banning it for 'female violence' is rather stupid. Beating on women is not the full part of the game, its optional, but not fully part of it. 

And don't point your fingers on 'protecting the kids' either. That excuse will not fly with me. Those kids are going to get exposed to bad things in this world. You can't keep them protected forever under your light of sunshine. Its complaints like this that make me disgusted. 
Well there's no need to be "protecting your kids" anyway because you wouldn't be buying an 18 rated game for them in the first place.

Drugs dealing, drug busts, an intense torture scene that had even me uneasy,  shooting police, fucking prostitutes, bank heists, hostage taking, watching your daughter demean herself on TV, take drugs, run over people ,watch Trevor cave in the head of a character only to literally(yes literally) yell at a part of his brain on the bottom of his shoe while the friend of the person he just killed watches but you sock a woman in the face...ooh that's the real problem. 

Australia has always been shit with it's laws like this. They treat their adults like babies.

Let's also not forget this game came over a year ago and only now are they acting upon it.
Kind of ironic if you think about it, considering that Australia is pretty dangerous in it's own special way.
The sad thing is the petition is built on a less-than-true basis, it being "it encourages players to commit sexual violence and kill women." 

Thing is, nothing actually rewards/encourages the players whatsoever for doing so, and GTA V even makes any sort of "rampaging", female-centric or not, not worthwhile, as A) The player is quickly chased by the police, who are more relentless than in previous iterations. and B) the "reward" is money, and in GTA V, not much money is given from anyone. Plus, ammo/explosives aren't particularly cheap, so it stopped being worthwhile entirely.

It also implies it's specifically targeted against women ("This game means that after various sex acts, players are given options to kill women by punching her unconscious, killing with a machete, bat or guns to get their money returned. "), when it's just a case of women aren't specifically exempt from the players actions. 

They also cite people making videos of the former stuff, which is what they should be having their gripes with specifically, not Target. I understand their [the petitioners] position on this, but it's based entirely on emotional appeal and not actual proof it causes this sort of thing to transfer over into the real world. We've been over this after Columbine and numerous other incidents; video games are too common to pin-point as the sole source of violence and other problems.

Weirdest thing was some gaming sites celebrating this happened.
Oh no, people kill men in GTA V too, I feel so offended.

Damn feminists man, they are the scum of the world for real. I call them feminazis.
(12-05-2014, 07:31 AM)The Antagonist Wrote: Oh no, people kill men in GTA V too, I feel so offended.

Damn feminists man, they are the scum of the world for real. I call them feminazis.

That outta be the new word to describe how extreme the feminists are. 

It's been used as a term for them ever since they've started to hate men and have no particular agenda for equal rights.

Still, they'd probably blame society, or video games, or manchildren in their basements or something that doesn't bother me as an insult.
I think we're misconstruing this somewhat with the use of a blanket term. Its not like this is the first time this has happened to a medium.

People have been killed for their ideas.
Music has been censored or destroyed for its ideas.
Books were and still are burned for their ideas.
The arts have been censored and destroyed for their ideas.
TV and movies have been censored and shoved into hard places for their ideas.
We are in no way any different.

I don't think its fair to attribute these actions to "feminists". No, there is a bigger agenda here and it doesn't pertain exclusively to this group.
(12-05-2014, 06:03 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I think we're misconstruing this somewhat with the use of a blanket term. Its not like this is the first time this has happened to a medium.

People have been killed for their ideas.
Music has been censored or destroyed for its ideas.
Books were and still are burned for their ideas.
The arts have been censored and destroyed for their ideas.
TV and movies have been censored and shoved into hard places for their ideas.
We are in no way any different.

I don't think its fair to attribute these actions to "feminists". No, there is a bigger agenda here and it doesn't pertain exclusively to this group.

Thank you. I was getting madder and madder the more I was reading in this thread.

I understand that people are angry and think it's silly that this game has been banned, and I knew people would want to form a lynch mob against all feminists over it. If they'd just said they game was pulled for disturbing content or violence in general, there would never be this big of an uproar. I never saw anyone freak out over the numerous other games on the list I posted.

There are women out there who refer to themselves as feminists that hate men and think they're inferior. This is wrong, and it's not what the majority of us stand for. Yes, I think of myself as a feminist. Hate me now if you want to. I'm not a big fan of Feminist Frequency at all, but she made a wonderful point with two videos she made. Something visual is much stronger than anything I can say and I think it will shed some light on why this situation is so touchy. It's focus is more on how women are used as background object, but brings up a violence issue as well. There's a big difference between the types of violence used again women compared to men. 

(12-05-2014, 06:41 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I was getting madder and madder the more I was reading in this thread.

Me too.

Everything Hex said is true. We, true feminists, are not about men hating. In fact, feminism at it's core is about equality. That's it. We just want to be equal to you guys. All across the board, too- we want to be equal with everything, from equal pay, to getting respect (everywhere- form in the workplace, to in the home, to in-game).

Please, guys, do not hate us a whole. It is very easy for us female gamers to hate y'all as a whole, but we don't. So many of you harass us in-game, and even on our youtubes or facebook pages. But we don't hate y'all as a whole. We don't call you all "neckbeards". So please, please do not lump all us feminists together.
but I am a neckbeard...

Really, I find it a shame more than anything else both for the obvious and the fact that it hinders games themselves.
[Image: gzTILP2.png]

Really, I wish this just wasn't a thing.

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