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Lending stuff: The Stories
Have you ever lent something to someone and never got it back? Are you the person whose shelves are filled with stuff that don't even belong to you? Still bitter about giving that one game to someone? Gather around and share your painful memories here, for the entertainment of us all.

I've never given something to someone and never gotten it back myself, although I have items that I have gotten back in lesser condition than what they were at the time I gave them away. Now, being the one borrowing something from someone I usually try to keep everything in the best possible condition. The strange thing is, people tend to leave their stuff to me and never claim them back. I have a pile of gaming magazines and at least three games that I have at some point in time borrowed from someone and when I've tried to give them back the original owners haven't wanted to take them, for whatever reason. For anyone wondering the games are Pocket Fighter (loose), Resident Evil Survivor (loose, pirated) and Jurassic Park: Warpath (CiB).

I'm not sure if this counts but I have a crap ton of gaming stuff I've gotten from my brother that he gave me "for the time being". I seem to recall that at least the PS games I got from him he told belonged to someone else.

The terrible moment when I realize I'm the asshat who keeps getting everyone's lost stuff.
My brother's friend's car has been sitting in my driveway for several months now...
I still don't know where my metal gear solid 3 disk is.
(12-29-2014, 03:04 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I still don't know where my metal gear solid 3 disk is.

You still have the case?
(12-29-2014, 04:48 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote:
(12-29-2014, 03:04 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I still don't know where my metal gear solid 3 disk is.

You still have the case?

Ever since I bought my 3DS, I have gotten careless with my DS lite. Eventually, the inevitable happen when one of my buds ask to borrow it. Feeling stone cold, I let him. Months have passed by that I forgot I even own such a beauty. One day, in sudden rememberance, I ask my bud of the DS lite fate. He drew nearer and whispered:

" The DS Lite was broken in half"


Also I have held hostage of a Gameboy Color from a certain user you guys may be familiar with.

I don't intend to give it back *M. Bison laugh*
Half my GBA games were taken by one person. He did introduce me to Megaman Battle Network by giving me 2,4 and 6, but 3 games do not make up for a good number of my favrate games (Wario Ware, Bomberman Tornament, Kingdom Hearts CoM, A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, and others, as well as Ty 2 for PS2). I also lent him my DS Light. When I asked for it back he gave me his half broken but still working (at the time) DS. I've seen him play both MY GAMES and MY DS. I have had a broken DS for the past 5 years and I bet "his" is still working. The DS was the last straw and I cut ties with him.
Around the days of the VHS. I borrowed a copy of one of the Disney sequels/midquels/prequels that was from one of the friends of the family. The movie was that Beauty and the beast Christmas movie. At this point. I think they don't mind that its gone considering the fact that most of the sequels that Disney produced for the direct to video market are a hit and miss to some people. 
Surprisingly, I've never had a problem like this but it's bound to happen I guess.

Currently I've given my friend L.A. Noire for his 360, but the disk tray broke and I don't want to be a dick and be like "Yo, my game give it back plz" so I'm just going to wait till the end of school and be like "hey, didn't i give you L.A. Norie?" Hoping he won't see through my clever way of asking for my game back.

I won't even play it, I just want it.
Thinking about it, I still have my Ex in law's gameing TV and his copys of South Park, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, F-Zero X, Elder's Scrolls IV, and Killer 7. I would give them back if he came to get them but I have a feeling that I will be able to keep the TV.
CLXcool's story suddenly reminded me of something. I once gave my cousin Signs on VHS. She has then moved like three times and is currently homeless (of her own volition, still has a job) and everything she ever owned are scattered around various people's houses, garages and storages. At least one of those people has then moved themselves. I don't think I'm ever getting that cassette back.

I think she also (accidentally) once broke my double VHS of American Pie and some other movie.
I leant my copy of Miracle on 34th Street to my boss last Xmas. I reminded her yesterday that she still has it. LOL
I just found a second wife after a dude borrowed my first one. So...
I believe there's a subreddit about that.
I have no clue, never been on reddit.

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