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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
I don't know if i'm ready for survival mode yet.
On creative, I found a nice place I want to try and build at. There's some dogs there. Can I befriend animals? I also saw an octopus too.
(06-13-2013, 04:26 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: On creative, I found a nice place I want to try and build at. There's some dogs there. Can I befriend animals? I also saw an octopus too.

If you give bones to wolves they'll follow you around, but I don't know anymore apart from that.
(06-13-2013, 04:27 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote:
(06-13-2013, 04:26 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: On creative, I found a nice place I want to try and build at. There's some dogs there. Can I befriend animals? I also saw an octopus too.

If you give bones to wolves they'll follow you around, but I don't know anymore apart from that.


Now, is there any way to make things spawn? I know there's cats in this game. I saw the cat fountain video.

Dammit. I tried to give a dog a bone but hit it in the face and now I have 6 pissed off dogs under me while i'm floating in mid air.
Looks like it's time for a quick rundown on Minecraft. To befriend animals they have to be either a cat or a wolf, or if you're using the latest snapshot also horses. To befriend a wolf you right click it with a bone, to give it to the wolf, do this until you see it sit down and there are hearts coming out of it, (everytime you right click you use one bone, but if you're in creative you have unlimited bones anyway.) it is now your companion. As for cats, you need to go get a raw fish, and stand still with it in your hands and wait for the cat to approach you, as it will be curious about the fish, after you do that right click it to feed it the fish, keep feeding it fish till it sits and there are hearts coming out of it. As for horses same procedure as the wolfs except you use wheat or carrots I think, I haven't played the more recent snapshots so I'm not positive.

Wolves are used as body guards, they will follow you around when not sitting, (right click a wolf or cat to make it stand or sit when it's friendly toward you.) and attack anything you attack, (or anything attacking you/themselves [excluding you]) except creepers as they will explode killing the wolf or wolves surrounding it, and anything else for that matter. Cats act as a creeper repellent, for some reason creepers avoid cats, cats are also natural predators to chickens and will kill them on sight. To make animals breed right click 2 of the same animal with the correct item (here's a list animals and their respective breeding items----The specific items for each breedable animal are as follows:
Horses, Sheep, Cows and Mooshrooms: Wheat.
Pigs: Carrots
Chickens: Seeds.
Melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, or nether wart can be used to breed chickens, but only wheat seeds can be used to lead them around.
Tamed Wolves: any type of meat, whether cooked, raw, or rotten.
Tamed wolves must be at full health before being fed to breed.
Meat cannot be used to tame a wolf. Bones should be used instead.
Tamed Cats: raw fish.)

Also to heal your wolves if they get damaged in battle as they certainly will, right click them with some food in you hand to feed them. That's about it for animals, I think you can figure the rest out yourself as the rest is just biomes, hostile mobs and crafting recipes, (well and bartering with villagers, but I don't want to make this wall of text any longer.) and of you need more help the Minecraft wiki is a great resource, as it has everything there, it's basically the manual. Also if you're in creative mode every mob has a spawn egg that you can pick out of the inventory and throw at the ground to spawn the designated mob.

Edit: One more thing, Wolves spawn in forests, and taiga (a snowy forest) biomes, and cats will spawn in jungles.
Thank you so much! That was so helpful!!
Kinda reminds the DYKG Minecraft server still up? I know I player quite a bit with Xannidel and Arjahn.
(06-13-2013, 07:09 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: Kinda reminds the DYKG Minecraft server still up? I know I player quite a bit with Xannidel and Arjahn.

We gotz one of those?
We had a Minecraft server? I never got the memo.
What is that? Can I do that?
Wasn't an official server, it was a few of us connecting to someones PC. Can't remember who's it was, but we had plans on making forum videos too.
Oh, if you guys could help me connect to it, that'd be all kinds of awesome. (I ain't so tech savvy on that front, but I'd love a forumcraft server)
I remember this it was back at the original forums, I think it was Xannidel or Zombie who had organized it. But I never knew it actually got started up, I was under the impression that we just never did it, I'd still be up for some Minecraft-ing with the forum.
How would be go about doing all that? I'm interested as well.
I can host a server, but I've never had more than 3 people join me so this could meltdown fairly quickly.

Edit: I have a test server up. PM me for the goods.
Like I said back then I'm all for it, but I can't host the server due to a crappy computer.

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