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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
Your choice, Matt. If you see a risk that you don't wanna take then that's fine too. I wouldn't be able to host most likely. My comp is not so excellent.
I have a test server up. PM me for the goods.
So I battled my brother in Black 2 and lost by one Pokemon.
(06-13-2013, 08:21 PM)SuperMasterGamer Wrote: So I battled my brother in Black 2 and lost by one Pokemon.

Shoulda rolled....

What format?
Sorry 'bout that END debacle. Also, my internet killed itself for a few minutes there and now I can't connect so I am presuming you guys got off. Let me know when we can do this again, eh Matt.
We all decided it was very late and got off and Cuccos went to bed, I got off before Matt so I don't know about him I'm assuming the same.
I was tiiiiiiired. On the bright side, I figured out how to get cats.
I battled my friend earlier in Black 2 and I won by defeating all of his Pokemon with my Leavanny.
I can't stop Minecrafting.
I finished the Last of Us and it really lived up to the hype. It's such an amazing game, phenomenal story, amazing graphics (I was amazed a PS3 could run it), and awesome gameplay. Definite TENOUTTATEN!
(06-15-2013, 02:50 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: I can't stop Minecrafting.

It is a very addicting game when you first get it. I don't play it much myself anymore but that's because I've had it since alpha.
Just don't turn into this, Cuccos:

[Image: the_big_bang_theory_penny_needs_help.png]
(06-15-2013, 05:30 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Just don't turn into this, Cuccos:

[Image: the_big_bang_theory_penny_needs_help.png]

I think we all turn into that, or the male equivalent, at one point or another, and all for different reasons.
(06-15-2013, 04:58 PM)cingchris Wrote:
(06-15-2013, 02:50 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: I can't stop Minecrafting.

It is a very addicting game when you first get it. I don't play it much myself anymore but that's because I've had it since alpha.

It gets lonely when I play alone, but it's still fun.

(06-15-2013, 05:30 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Just don't turn into this, Cuccos:

[Image: the_big_bang_theory_penny_needs_help.png]

That's me when I play The Sims. Days could go by and I wouldn't even know it.
I wanted to thank one of you guys, but I hate that show so much...
[Image: the-boulder-feels-conflicted-thumb.jpg]

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