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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
(07-03-2013, 03:59 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote:
(07-02-2013, 08:44 AM)Zaliphone Wrote:
(07-01-2013, 05:17 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Playing Last of Us I realize that this damn game gets praised for pretty much every single thing people tend to complain about in RE games. Sure, the exection is completely different, but a lot of these oh-so-praised features are hated in RE games. Yet, I have actually seen people wondering why RE doesn't have features like this. WTF people?!

You have the reason right in your post. The execution is completely different. I don't really think any gameplay elements are inherently evil, just commonly implemented poorly. The Last of Us got right what RE got wrong. Which, depending on how you look at it, is a lot.

I'm not saying either of the games would have gotten it wrong. It's just that Last of Us gets all this praise while RE (all of which I think are fantastic games) get crap thrown on it because of their predecessors, not because they would be exceptionally bad games. Last of Us does not have this problem since it's only that one game. Yet, both games have all these similar proerties and people are still telling RE should do the same. Why the F would they do that since it would end up not fixing anything people want to be fixed?

I don't think you realise the stupidity of gamers these days.

Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 are shit. Simple. They suck and haven't aged well. Terrible voice acting, awful controls, a horrid camera angle, a pointlessly tedious save system and a horrible-to-navigate inventory. Those games just suck. There is no holds barred on this. Games that also came out the same time are: Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 7 and THOSE aren't plagued with some of the problems that are present in the original RE 1, 2 and 3.

OK fine, so Capcom address these issues. In RE4: they give you a better inventory to navigate and manage, a camera angle that had a huge impact on gaming, an improvement on enemy design and pushed the series forward.
(RE5 was the same with Co-op and going back to the main Wesker story/not him working behind the scenes)

Everyone still complaining the series isn't scary and that you still can't move.
RE6 had a stronger emphasis on story and gave you full freedom to move and shoot, dodge etc and now everyone says it sucks. Gamers are dolts who don't know what they want. Because when they're given what they want, they bitch and bandwagon saying how games like RE6 is bad despite being built from player feedback and how TLoU is the same but gets away with it.
I do realize the stupidity of some gamers today. That's why I pointed the whole thing out, because of how ridiculous it is. To further emphasize the fact that these people don't even know what they want is their whining on how RE needs to be like TLoU while it, in fact, already is in its own way.

On another note, I highly disagree on the original RE games being shit. Sure, I truly like the way the series is now, but I still find much of my gaming enjoyment coming from beating these old games again and again. The first three main titles in the series are some of my favorite games of all time in the same way RE5 and Dead Aim are. I guess I should point out that those games aren't in my top lists because of nostalgia, I never even played RE1 (which has gotten an awesometastic remake) when I was a kid. They're just something different, interesting and provide a challenge that is missing from most games nowadays. Out of the games from that era you mentioned, I do have FFVII and it's in my top lists too.
(07-03-2013, 08:34 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I do realize the stupidity of some gamers today. That's why I pointed the whole thing out, because of how ridiculous it is. To further emphasize the fact that these people don't even know what they want is their whining on how RE needs to be like TLoU while it, in fact, already is in its own way.

On another note, I highly disagree on the original RE games being shit. Sure, I truly like the way the series is now, but I still find much of my gaming enjoyment coming from beating these old games again and again. The first three main titles in the series are some of my favorite games of all time in the same way RE5 and Dead Aim are. I guess I should point out that those games aren't in my top lists because of nostalgia, I never even played RE1 (which has gotten an awesometastic remake) when I was a kid. They're just something different, interesting and provide a challenge that is missing from most games nowadays. Out of the games from that era you mentioned, I do have FFVII and it's in my top lists too.
The remakes of the original Resident Evil series are great and still worth playing(On the GameCube). But the originals on PS1 are so laughably bad it's almost depressing to think these were good in the first(again in my opinion). Which to me, means no excuse. As I said before, games around that era of gaming are still playable today regardless of hardware/software limitations but the original RE series aren't. I can still play Silent Hill 1 and feel deeply connected to that game.
With RE1 on the other hand, trying to fight slow moving enemies off-screen with no aim assist and talking about Jill Sandwiches isn't a good thing.

I think the last important point to note is the age at which we played those games. When I was younger RE2 was scary hell. But as you grow older those games aren't scary anymore because of how you've matured, which is why games today have to be a different kind of scary. Give an 8 year old RE6 and see what the results are, but to us, of course it'll seem like RE6 has lost it's way. We've matured past those types of "scares" while other games like Dead Space and Amnesia have it suited for our age.
Definitely agree on the scare factor being gone due to age and that's something so many people seem to forget when shouting out complaints. I'm not playing those old games because of a possible scare factor though, I just love playing them and the fixed camera angles give me a better picture of my surroundings rather than what's possible in the hectic gameplay of games today while also adding to the difficulty when you don't know what's ahead of you. Still, I do respect your opinion on them, not everyone likes the same things :)
I picked up Rouge Legacy and it's hard as bauls, but a lot of fun.
I wish I had Rogue Legacy, it looks like a ton of fun, but sadly I spent the last of my money on Game Dec Tycoon.
So, Sony won't have region-locking and Microsoft recently removed it, but what about Nintendo? Nope!
Region locking is ruining mah gaming D: I'm sure there'll be a Japan/US exculsive game on a system with a region lock at some point. I just know it.
Right around halfway through The Thousand Year Door, the Peach segments in-between chapters are far worse in this one than in the original, but the Bowser segments are f*cking awesome.
ALSO, Holy backtracking, everything up to the Twilight Town chapter felt really great, but as soon as you beat Doopliss for the first time, it takes a huge nosedive.

Go outside, walk all the way back to town, avoid battle, keep walking, avoid battle, keep walking, get forced to run away from a boss you've already beaten, keep walking, find a necklace, listen to some birds, keep walking, run away from the SAME BOSS you already beat AGAIN, keep walking, walk ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE CASTLE, avoid some battles, avoid some turtle battles, eavesdrop on a bird, then WALK ALL THE MOTHERFLIPPIN WAY BACK TO TOWN, talk to the boss you keep avoiding, THEN WALK BACK TO THE CASTLE ONE MORE FUCKING TIME and have a mediocre boss battle.

Holy crap, I'm never a big fan of Backtracking, but at least in Metroid it makes sense.
(07-04-2013, 11:56 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Region locking is ruining mah gaming D: I'm sure there'll be a Japan/US exculsive game on a system with a region lock at some point. I just know it.

Nintendos response:
Iwata just spouting bullshit.
"From some people’s perspective, it might seem like a kind of restriction. However, we hope people can appreciate the fact that we’re selling our products worldwide," Iwata told me, acknowledging that Nintendo has "historically" worked with region-locked systems. "There are many different regions around the world, and each region has its own cultural acceptance and legal restrictions, as well as different age ratings. There are always things that we’re required to do in each different region, which may go counter to the idea that players around the world want the freedom to play whatever they want. "

What about all of the Nintendo Handhelds from GameBoy to Nintendo DS?
Edit: It's also worth pointing out that this interview was BEFORE Microsoft removed the Xbone DRM and announced it is region free.
The industry is struggling to manage with it, yet companies can do it whenever they want. It's the worst part about a 3DS since the Nintendo 3DS had such a great library and being able to import games is huge bonus for people like myself who want to play as many games as possible, or others who have crappy law/restrictions on what games they can play.
Ok just beat Duke Nukem Forever, and I have to say, a part of the credits made me chuckle. In some video games, they have the babies born during the development of the game. They found (what I assume to be) every sing kid born from 1995/1996 to 2011 born to the development team. It's not much but it's still funny that they were able to put it in. Also going to say not that bad of a game. What were all of you expecting of a game in development for 15 F'ing years.
Anyone want to play some Monster Hunter 3 U tomorrow? I need a decent hunting party and everyone on the servers hates me.
(07-05-2013, 01:10 AM)Arjahn Wrote: Anyone want to play some Monster Hunter 3 U tomorrow? I need a decent hunting party and everyone on the servers hates me.

Buy me a WiiU and the game, and I'm in.
(07-05-2013, 01:11 AM)Lightmatt Wrote:
(07-05-2013, 01:10 AM)Arjahn Wrote: Anyone want to play some Monster Hunter 3 U tomorrow? I need a decent hunting party and everyone on the servers hates me.

Buy me a WiiU and the game, and I'm in.

Deal, I can get you the cash tomorrow. Got change for a $20,000 bill? That's all I got on me.
(07-05-2013, 01:17 AM)Arjahn Wrote: Deal, I can get you the cash tomorrow. Got change for a $20,000 bill? That's all I got on me.

Sorry, I don't. Do you accept bitcoins?

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