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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
I'm so happy that Woolie and Matt are playing The Wolf Among Us so I can experience it as well. They're two hours in and already it's so darn good! They captured the style and feel of the comics perfectly, plus two Alice characters are in it! I can't wait to see what happens!
I just finished watching 358/2 days, and the best description I can give is "Dem Feels."

I've never had the pleasure of beating the game on the DS, but watching this was just amazing. It would be the first thing in a long time that I actually recommend watching, even if you don't play Kingdom Hearts.
Here's some context to the link below: Someone at the Sandcastle proposed a "Experimental Let's Play" thread where LPers are encouraged try to mix up the LP formula, and one of the results was this.
Call of Duty 4 is so much more fun when you have an angry, close-to-tears, 6-year-old raging playing with you. I'm having a laugh while giving life lessons and it's hilarious!
I was curious about Castlevania Mirror of Fate HD port so i downloaded it.
Looks more like a PS2 game now, the 3DS version is my favorite.

But i didn't know a Lords of Shadow 2 demo was in it!
I'm still waiting to complete the download^^
(10-23-2013, 09:24 PM)ThisGuyInTheSuit Wrote: I just finished watching 358/2 days, and the best description I can give is "Dem Feels."

I've never had the pleasure of beating the game on the DS, but watching this was just amazing. It would be the first thing in a long time that I actually recommend watching, even if you don't play Kingdom Hearts.

I know how you feel. I just got done watching that a few days ago and I honestly didn't expect to feel attached to a character like Xion. Then you get to the end and the way they tie all the lose threads together for Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and into KHII is fantastic.

I didn't even mind that I wasn't able to play the game and just watch cutscenes instead.
I think I bit off more than I can chew. I have five days to play and get the good ending in Silent Hill, but I never played Silent Hill before as well as I'm not allowed to get help. The true horror is trying remember stuff I just read.
[Image: GLFWgD1.png]
I love how Poker night at the inventory 2 gives lots of rewards for games like Borderlands and TF2 and they also give Avatar items and PS3 themes i really happy this game is free for PS+ so i can get the borderlands 2 skins.
Whoa! i just hit 200 hours for Payday 1 i thought i had less.
I just played the Binding of Isaac for the first time since I beat it. I was planning on waiting until Rebirth came out, but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed my fix! I actually got a good game in as Cain (of course I did :P)
(10-27-2013, 06:22 PM)Zaliphone Wrote: I just played the Binding of Isaac for the first time since I beat it. I was planning on waiting until Rebirth came out, but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed my fix! I actually got a good game in as Cain (of course I did :P)

What exactly do you mean by "Beat It?" Did you get all 10 endings, or just beat Mom's Heart? Or were you like my brother and said you beat the game after defeating Isaac's Mom?

In any case, as for Rebirth, My only gripe with it is that it will be a download only (Except for on PC... Damn...). I'm still going to get it, sure, but I love to be able to hold a game, not just see the data and files. (Not weird.)
When I say beat it, I mean all 13 endings and Platinum god.
So, I've had my Xbox 360 for 5 years now, it has never broken once, and I've played it all the time, since 2008 till now, it has never once overheated even though that is the prime cause of all 360 related deaths.

I've had my PS3 since 2012, it has broken 3 times, all due to overheating, and it has happened again (the third time). I seriously don't know if I'm just unlucky, or if Sony makes shit hardware.
There are 72 Genesis games for download on the Wii store, and only 67 SNES games...

This upsets me more than it should.
(10-28-2013, 07:39 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: So, I've had my Xbox 360 for 5 years now, it has never broken once, and I've played it all the time, since 2008 till now, it has never once overheated even though that is the prime cause of all 360 related deaths.

I've had my PS3 since 2012, it has broken 3 times, all due to overheating, and it has happened again (the third time). I seriously don't know if I'm just unlucky, or if Sony makes shit hardware.

Opposite for me i had my xbox for 4 years and it had to get repaired 3 times over the 4 years and i had my ps3 for 3 years and never went to repair. I play my xbox and ps3 in the same room and they are right beside each other. I guess it could be where you play because if either is in a closed narrow area it will overheat.

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