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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
(11-18-2013, 06:02 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:
(11-18-2013, 05:36 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: If I'll be honest, most of the stuff I've submitted, much to Dazz's displeasure (I really don't mean to be an inconvenience but it kind of shapes out to be like that) are rejected, mostly because being the autistic idiot I am when I'm tired, I get the urge to help but don't always do the best job.

I try to do my best to get all the facts I can about a subject so that it won't get rejected for being "stupid" or whatever (I know they will never say it's stupid). So I normally leave it alone if I can't find a lot about it, I find it false, someone beat me to it, or I find the trivia stupid/uninteresting to me (though that last one I've done a few times just to get a game on the site for people to see).

I think that if we are going to continue talking about this we should take it to a thread talking about trivia or the site. Just saying.
Fair enough, that's all I was really gonna say anyway.

So, who here can tell me about arkham city? I got it as a gift from my brother after he bought the humble bundle and I'm wondering if it would be a good busy schedule game.
(11-18-2013, 06:12 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Fair enough, that's all I was really gonna say anyway.

So, who here can tell me about arkham city? I got it as a gift from my brother after he bought the humble bundle and I'm wondering if it would be a good busy schedule game.

I know very little about it but I think that it depends on what kind of gamer you are. If you are the "I don't care" kind of gamer, you sould be able to braze right though the main story (and Catwoman, if she came with the game) no problum. If your the "100%" gamer, it may take you some time to do every little side quest in the game.

Oh, and some of the side quests lock off as you go along in the game. FYI.
I'm Getting a 3DS soon and need some game suggestions. I'm planning on getting Pokemon X, Star Fox 64 3D, Animal Crossing and maybe Fire Emblem Awakening but I don't know if there's any other good ones I'm missing out on.
Super Mario 3D Land, absolutely top. The main game isn't too hard, but the 8 special worlds are a real challenge. Mario Kart 7 is also fun if you're into racing games.
(11-18-2013, 10:49 PM)Zaliphone Wrote: Super Mario 3D Land, absolutely top. The main game isn't too hard, but the 8 special worlds are a real challenge. Mario Kart 7 is also fun if you're into racing games.

Both are fantastic games. I haven't played my 3DS in months. I'm currently on a track to get 100,000 GS on Xbox Live. I'm close to 5k away!

I would play my 3DS more if there was like an add-on for the Wii U that allows people to play the 3DS games on the Wii U using the gamepad. Kind of the same deal with the Gameboy add-on for the Gamecube back in the day.
I will one day be like this lady as well, only with whatever handheld system will be deemed "retro" at the time:

[Image: I3MxyYY.jpg]
Just completed all the puzzle pieces in Streetpass, all 905 pieces.

Oh, and I bought the new Dual Destinies DLC.
Made my first surrender in the RGM thread. I just can't take much more of Master Higgins and his stupid Adventure Island. All because of THIS jump:
[Image: GLFWgD1.png]

[Image: v8xrfDF.gif]
(11-21-2013, 01:14 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Just completed all the puzzle pieces in Streetpass, all 905 pieces.

905, huh? I should really go out more often.
Is Majoras Mask worth £35? Just the game?
(11-18-2013, 06:46 PM)FUS RO DAH Wrote: I'm Getting a 3DS soon and need some game suggestions. I'm planning on getting Pokemon X, Star Fox 64 3D, Animal Crossing and maybe Fire Emblem Awakening but I don't know if there's any other good ones I'm missing out on.

In addition to Zaliphone's subjections: Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus Uprising, Zelda A Link between Worlds, Bit Trip Saga.

Mario Dream Team bros is great by the way and soon you have Bravely Default too.
Am the only one who's played one version of a game, absolutely hated it, then played another version and fallen in love? That's me right now with Half-Life, and previously with Oblivion. I had the original version of Half-Life, not the source one, and it crashed way too much and I just gave up. I had Oblivion on PS3, decided it didn't work how I wanted it to and got it for PC and modded it. Hopefully my previous allegations of hating HL2 will be changed when I get to the PC version I recently attained.

And god damn is Resogun hard.

LOL! This is so funny; I'd be reacting the same way if I had to play this game as well xD
I just finished recording the entirety of Mario is Missing! for the SNES. With a little editing and adding some commentary, the first episode of "CosmykTheDolfyn and the SNESApocalypse" should be complete. Yippee. Shaq-Fu is almost done also.
(11-21-2013, 07:27 PM)Zaliphone Wrote: Am the only one who's played one version of a game, absolutely hated it, then played another version and fallen in love? That's me right now with Half-Life, and previously with Oblivion. I had the original version of Half-Life, not the source one, and it crashed way too much and I just gave up. I had Oblivion on PS3, decided it didn't work how I wanted it to and got it for PC and modded it. Hopefully my previous allegations of hating HL2 will be changed when I get to the PC version I recently attained.

And god damn is Resogun hard.

Is Resogun fun? i got contrast and have not tried it yet.

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