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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
I was trying to describe a Pokemon moveset I made to a friend and it sort of turned into this (Warning, language n' shit):

That's right, motherfucking Golem. Put your pants back on. Give this rambunctious little magic eight ball rock polish, earthquake, fire punch and sucker punch. Pretty standard shit, right? Well your name must be Frank Lloyd WRONG, because things are about the heat the fuck up in this salsa parlor. Now you give the legend the master the humanoid lizard sphere a Weakness policy and watch the magic unfold. Too complicated for you fucktards? Good, let's dial it back a bit for all of the uni-balled fourth graders in the audience. Catch a majestic Geodude with sturdy and a nature as jolly as motherfucking Christmas elf coked out of his god damn mind. Get a safe switch into the majestic bastard and use one of dem der Rock Polishes to double your speed, then let your MATC graduate dissapointing nephew of an opponent use a supereffective move on ya (Ohhhhhh, Golem is shit, his typing give him two double weaknesses and made my dad leave me when I was twelve!) SHUT THAT SHIT UP AND WEAR THOSE WEAKNESSES PROUD SISTER SISTER. If done correctly, you're going to be sitting on three balls and a rock-type Behemoth with +2 attack, special attack, speed and fertility. Sucker Punch sits there as a nice way of dealing with any of the fucktards who try and switch in scarfers, fire punch is great coverage, and EQ for the babes. So the next time you're taking a big ol' Poke-dump on Geodude, grow a pair of voltorbs and fuck every single trainer you see with him. Yeah, you better fucking run Youngster Joey, YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM GOLEM YOU LITTLE SHIT!

I sincerely apologize.
Alright 4th platinum trophy here we come 95% in sly cooper thieves in time
So, after dying about 20 times in the beginning section of Metal Gear Rising, over the course for about 2 weeks. I thought I'd look up on a small gameplay video on how to play it properly.

And HOLY FUCK it is such a good game. Seriously. The gameplay is brilliant and so fun. I'm already on the 4th mission, which took me about a day to get to after watching the video.
Well shoot... Got to unpacking the box labeled "PS2 Games", but I noticed my copy of Persona 3: Fez isn't in there. I'm hoping it just ended up in a different box and I'll find it later.
I've been playing Brawl again. I'm really focusing on taking my Diddy Kong to the next level. I've been training myself on a team of two random level 9 PCs against myself solo. All I can say is that my Diddy game is now growing in leaps and bounds.
And today, I got two D-throw to F-Air to Spike Barrel Blast combos for the kill starting at 0% in a row. Feels good, brah.
(02-03-2014, 09:47 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Well shoot... Got to unpacking the box labeled "PS2 Games", but I noticed my copy of Persona 3: Fez isn't in there. I'm hoping it just ended up in a different box and I'll find it later.

My brother just bought that game, He's a major persona fan i personally never play the game and i dont think it appeals to me.
Saw this on Reddit - wonder if it's good enough for Trivia ?

[Image: BOcwQeX.jpg]
(02-05-2014, 12:04 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: Saw this on Reddit - wonder if it's good enough for Trivia ?
-a thing-

That explains everything; and here I thought it stood for 'manic'.
That's one mystery solved! Time to find out what the hell the L on Luigi's hat stands for.
(02-06-2014, 01:54 AM)MexicanAnime Wrote: That's one mystery solved! Time to find out what the hell the L on Luigi's hat stands for.

It stands for his placing in races, last.
(02-06-2014, 07:09 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote:
(02-06-2014, 01:54 AM)MexicanAnime Wrote: That's one mystery solved! Time to find out what the hell the L on Luigi's hat stands for.

It stands for his placing in races, last.
Really, I always thought it was because Luigi was like Beck, and it stood for...
(02-05-2014, 12:04 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: Saw this on Reddit - wonder if it's good enough for Trivia ?

[Image: BOcwQeX.jpg]

People parody Did you know gaming a lot these days, and trivia sites of vidya too.

[Image: tumblr_m6atf7TJ2w1ryjnzgo1_500.png]

My favorite is this though.

[Image: 1367276381481.jpg]
OK, Not going to lie. I never knew there was a ratchet in the Ratchet & Clank Logo
All the joking aside in that second picture, the GC logo and the Ratchet and Clank logos are pure genius.
(02-06-2014, 10:51 AM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: All the joking aside in that second picture, the GC logo and the Ratchet and Clank logos are pure genius.

You mean..

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