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NSFW Trivia
Hey folks,

We've implemented a new feature that will allow us to mark trivia as NSFW, which hides the content until clicked through. Because of this, we are now allowing more risqué trivia and nudity in images.

If you could help us out by posting links to NSFW trivia that has yet to be marked as such, we would appreciate it.

We consider trivia with mentions of nudity, sex and heavy swear words to be NSFW - We will be working to uncensor images for trivia like these too.

We made this decision after removing advertisements from the site and now being able to show these pieces of trivia as hidden by default, but  without requiring a lot of effort to show them. This will protect younger audiences who don't wish to see these things, and those looking at the site from work or school.

An example of this can be seen here:
And on the trivia's individual page:
(Obviously, warning, these links are NSFW if you reveal the trivia)

Thanks for your help!
You almost got me there =-) I almost clicked the links at work before I put 2 and 2 together and got 5
Wow, haha. This actually makes me want to submit something that's completely slipped my mind till I saw this.......and upon trying to find some sort of evidence that isn't an image of the NSFW item I cannot seem to find any reference to it.

Oh well, I'll just have to look harder.
I'm not sure if I understand what counts as NSFW but I did find one (and a game) that do count. (it's easier just to say this game, since a good chunk of the entrys are damns, tits, and f#cks.)

Here are a few that I think may need it (if we are counting just references to sex, nudity, and if you count ass as a swear):

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