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I always get worried when I look at sites like that, or see the ones at Petco and places like that, when there's two in the same cage and the papers say they're best friends or siblings. I'm always afraid some asshole is going to come and only take one, splitting them up. I think about that a lot. :(
(01-07-2014, 08:40 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: I always get worried when I look at sites like that, or see the ones at Petco and places like that, when there's two in the same cage and the papers say they're best friends or siblings. I'm always afraid some asshole is going to come and only take one, splitting them up. I think about that a lot. :(

That's because you're good people, Cuccos.
That gave me a HUGE smile on my face!
Iris did something so gross right now I'm not even comfortable typing it. I just... Ugh.
So, the dog, despite being on flea and tick medicine, has gotten a tick bite on her ear. What's worse is that is was carrying a rare disease that can cause blindness, seizures, make her go into a coma or die. Starting expensive meds today.
Today was a fun day at the vet, to say the least. As of right now, her balance is very unsteady and she has a fever, but no severe symptoms yet. If severe symptoms do appear, she has very low chance of survival. It's just a great day.
My sister's cat went for the ol' spey yesterday. Still just as purry after the procedure :)

[Image: FbFkZHo.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20140115_125757_zps8aec0ca9.jpg?t=1389815595]
Photo of my poor puppy, Sugar. She's started peeing blood and shaking uncontrollably. Mom and brother are rushing her back to the Vet's office as we speak. But, in all honesty, if her symptoms progress rapidly, the prognosis is not good.

Things are not looking good at all. We got here as a little puppy seven years ago. Someone took a whole litter of pups and tied them up in a garbage bag and threw them out the window of their car. This little miracle was the only one who lived. Nursed her back to health. She's part of the family now... I don't want to see her die now.
All the best to Sugar the Dog.
Sometimes, it's just time to go, and all we can do is smile at all the good times spent together and realise just how lucky we were.
Poor Sugar :( I hope things work out in whatever way is best for her.
Well, she did survive the night at the Vet's office. They honestly did not expect her to. They give her a 50/50 of making it through the next 2 days. But, if she pulls through until Saturday, her chances are looking good.
I'm just hoping that she makes it.
[Image: tumblr_mkcisbxrww1r1mu6so1_500.gif]
So, I lost Sugar. A year ago, we had two cats and a dog. Now, we're down to just a cat.
[Image: CatDog.jpg]
Old picture with the two we've lost this year together. Pic earlier up the page was the last photo I ever took of Sugar alive.
She was such a sweet dog. She had always been pretty timid (considering her previous owners had apparently tried to kill her, can't blame her), but she was nice to everyone. She was always very calm, rarely barked. She'd never jump up on anyone. Sugar would just come over, wag her tail, and lay her head on you. Maybe put one paw up. She did that to everyone she ever met.
Sugar was also wonderful with kids. I remember having some friends over who brought their little boy. He immediately pulled her tail as hard as he could. She didn't yipe or get angry. Instead, she turned around and smelled him, gave him a nice big old lick. Later that evening, he started throwing tennis balls at her while she was asleep. Instead of getting angry with him or even making a noise, she just looked over at me with a face that said "Help me, please". She was such a good dog.
R.I.P Sugar the Beagle 2007-2014
R.I.P. Sugar the big bad Beagle.
It's sad that she was only around for seven years, but at least after her hard start she ended up in a wonderful home where she loved and wanted. RIP Sugar.
Hahaha that cat looks so unimpressed at the GC controller :')

RIP Sugar, may your canine afterlife be as sweet as the love you received down on earth.
May the afterlife treat her well.

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