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This is my dog. Lady Persephone "Percy" Andrea Wilkerson III

[Image: 420201_392344724109960_1862154555_n.jpg]

That's her name. Or just call her Percy. She's an AKC registered Corgi, so I thought it'd be fun to give her one of those really obnoxious multiple name names.
I'm in Dallas and I miss my Nola :(
Last night, I had this dream of an old pet of mine.
Backstory- I had a miniature schnauzer, Simone, from the time I was 2 until I was about 19 or 20. When she left us, I was at a bad time in my life and not at home. I was told she "ran away" (aka "ran away to die"- apparently dogs do that). She was old, fargile, nearly blind and nearly deaf at this point, but still so full of love.

The dream- So i'm somewhere that's obviously not real. Some type of underground apartment type thing. And I knew that while I was in the dream. So the dream goes on for a while. Then, all of a sudden, someone came up and said "Hey, we found your dog that ran away." and there she was. My baby. As if not a day had passed, she could smell me (her eyes and ears were the same as when she ran away in real life- everything was) and ran up and jumped up and was so excited. And I was so excited and it's bringing tears to my eyes just typing this. We were jumping and playing and excited... and then I woke up.

The reason i'm putting it in 'pets' and not 'dreams' is because I really feel that was her. Not some dream manifestation of her. I know I probably sound crazy, but I swear it was her. She is her old self, she is sweet and happy and loving. Whatever dimension she's in, she's ok and she still loves me. And that makes me feel so much better about not being there in her last days.
Well... I guess everything is OK. I just had a scare with Iris yesterday. Apparently it sometimes happens with sows that, after their first heat, they'll spot blood a little bit. If it's only a tiny amount you barely notice, and it's over within a day, then it should be fine.

I just freaked out because Scuzzy died from a UTI, which means blood was the signal that he had it. I did not want to go through again.
Dahlia was, quite frankly, being a monster. The pigs don't do so well being held together now as they actually want the same spot and start to fight. On their own they don't seem too keen on being held, although Iris will tolerate it. So what did I do with Dahlia? I noticed she was fine with being pet inside the cage and seemed to rather enjoy it. I use fleece blankets for her and Iris’s bedding, so I thought I’d use a spare blanket while holding her to make her feel more secure. These are the results!

[Image: tumblr_mmgmviT9mz1r85d4oo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mmgmviT9mz1r85d4oo2_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mmgmviT9mz1r85d4oo3_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mmgmviT9mz1r85d4oo4_1280.jpg]
Uh-oh... I think there's a chance Dahlia might be pregnant. There was a boy in the litter and I got them around the time they could start breeding. She's been drinking and peeing a lot, plus I really think she's starting to bulge out like she's carrying a baby. I've had her for 40 days and guinea pig pregnancy lasts 50-70 days.

I really hope she's not, but I guess I'll find out next month.
(05-10-2013, 09:22 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Uh-oh... I think there's a chance Dahlia might be pregnant. There was a boy in the litter and I got them around the time they could start breeding. She's been drinking and peeing a lot, plus I really think she's starting to bulge out like she's carrying a baby. I've had her for 40 days and guinea pig pregnancy lasts 50-70 days.

I really hope she's not, but I guess I'll find out next month.

Baby piggie[s]!! [maybe]
Well... I've been trying to feel up Dahlia and Iris's bellies to compare (since I witnessed Iris in heat she's obviously not pregnant), but I'm still not sure. Guinea pigs grow up to be so fat I'm having a hard time deciding if it's a baby bump or not since Dahlia is larger, but Iris was the runt.

Maybe I'll have to find a small set of stairs to push her down.


That was terrible; I'm sorry.
I felt movement in her belly today. Dahia is definitely pregnant. Shit.
(05-14-2013, 09:48 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I felt movement in her belly today. Dahia is definitely pregnant. Shit.

You should name the babies after us. The first female should definitely be Cuccos!
(05-14-2013, 09:51 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote:
(05-14-2013, 09:48 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I felt movement in her belly today. Dahia is definitely pregnant. Shit.

You should name the babies after us. The first female should definitely be Cuccos!

I won't name them in hopes it'll help me not get attached since I'll be taking them to the Humane Society in 21 days and apologize profusely for doing so. Guinea pigs seem to be adopted out fairly quickly when they're babies, so they should be fine.

I'm just a bit scared since Dahlia was either impregnated by her dad or brother, so there's a big risk the babies will have problems, or Dahlia could die since she's so young.
(05-14-2013, 09:59 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote:
(05-14-2013, 09:51 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote:
(05-14-2013, 09:48 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I felt movement in her belly today. Dahia is definitely pregnant. Shit.

You should name the babies after us. The first female should definitely be Cuccos!

I won't name them in hopes it'll help me not get attached since I'll be taking them to the Humane Society in 21 days and apologize profusely for doing so. Guinea pigs seem to be adopted out fairly quickly when they're babies, so they should be fine.

I'm just a bit scared since Dahlia was either impregnated by her dad or brother, so there's a big risk the babies will have problems, or Dahlia could die since she's so young.

Ahh, gotcha. Well that's good that they get adopted quickly. I'm sure the humane society will take good care of them until they do. Your girls seem pretty tough so i'm sure she will be fine :) I wish the best for your furbaby!!
OMG, Dahlia is so big now and it's like little waves are moving around in her tummy! She's totally gonna pop any day now! I'm really eager for her to get her pregnancy over with! I've decided to try and take a more positive attitude and be excited to see her babies since there's nothing I can do about it.
Well, Dahlia isn't as big as other pregnant piggies I've seen on the internet, so I think she'll have a smaller litter, which means early next month she'll probably give birth. I just have a hard time believing it will take that long because whatever is in there is so active.
Keep us updated Hex! Hope you and your furbabies are well :)

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