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General Card Game Discussion
I remember that, it is fun. If you're still playing for some reason, I might be able to help.
I think I played that one. That's the one where the Yu-Gi-Oh charicters are playing diffrent people from a play (Hamlet I think) right? I rented that one a couple of times but never owned it.
(11-06-2013, 07:49 PM)frankfrost2 Wrote: Well, to break your combo, anyone here ever play "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist of the roses"?
Pretty fun game... Still havnt completed it.

I actually had, it was an interesting and fun game to include the whole War of the Roses historical event with a children's card game.

Plus the whole grid/board with how you played vs the traditional method was a nice change up. It allowed me to really find the small holes in the concept and exploit the crap out of it.

I think the only way I beat that game was because I had a game shark. (I know it isn't really sporting but I had it as a rental and didn't want late fees with it so I wanted to beat it as soon as possible and not level grind the way through to get good or useful cards.
If it's gonna be general, I can talk about Magic.

I can talk a lot about Magic...
Do you know of a free way to play Magic?
Ehh... Admittedly no. Which is frustrating. I'm going to a party tomorrow, where there's gonna be a lot of Magic being played, and I'd like the girlfriend to know enough to hold her own, but alas, hard to teach her. I no longer have any decks, so it'd just be me describing rules to her.

If you ever DO get into it, inform me. But I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't become your thing. Getting into a new card game is difficult, because you've spent so much time and money learning one you're used to that switching sides is difficult. Though in my area, M:TG is a lot more popular, something like 4:1 for MTG:YGO players at local tournaments. So if it's similar in your area, it may become something fun to learn because tournaments have a broader range of players and skills.

That description.
A bump heard 'round the world.

So, I just figured I'd ask this since its been a while. Anyone play Hearthstone?
Nope but I just got into a lighter free-to-play card game called Deadman's Cross. It's a pretty fun zombie card game.
Just found out that in the Japanese Yugioh anime, Kaiba used a card to stop a gun from killing him

Didn't know where else to post.

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