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I want to try something with the community.
Alright guys, none of us have enough time. That is a given. However, I want to try something out here. Small things that we put together over time.
So, I'm going to propose this.

Name 5 job classes for an rpg. This doesn't have to be conventional. In fact, I'd prefer if it weren't just so that I can use more conventional classes to fill in the gaps here. I want to map out a bit of an occupation tree.

So, instead of

Squire - Knight - Templar

we have

Villager - Squire - Knight - Templar
- Guard - Vanguard
- Musketeer - Dragoon
- Crusader
            - outlaw - bandit - Vandal
            - Minstrel - Trickster
- Merchant -Trickster

If what I'm trying to describe isn't coming through see
[Image: fe_awakening_full_class_tree_by_iscaneus...8vwziq.png]
(Courtesy to Iscaneus on DeviantArt for making GBA sprites of the Fire Emblem Awakening classes.)

We can have two ways of starting this. We can either have multiple classes that blend together or one class that branches out.

Say : Freelancer (like in bravely default) for a branch off.


Apprentice, Squire, Villager, Nomad.
Are you keeping it strictly to classic medieval-fantasy RPGs?
Lets see where it goes. Throw in some magic if you want. Throw in an outlier.
Okay, I think I get the gist of this.

I'm assuming they're like classes that start off at the base then gets promoted as they progress.

I'm gonna throw some base classes. Vagrant, Civilian, Beggar, Youth, and Potent.
Short for Potential. I shortened it because Potential doesn't sound right for a class name so I went with Potent.
So aspirant.
Alright, let's see if I've got this down.

Vagrant, Civilian, Beggar, Youth, and Aspirant.

Beggar can branch into thief then outlaw. Thief and outlaw can branch into brigand and pirate.
Beggar can branch into monk and then priest. Priest can branch into bishop. Monk can branch into teutonhospitaller, Shaolin, or Sohei
Beggar can branch into partisan.

Civilian seems too broad. Is this a well to do person? Are they a farmer? Are they a towns-person?

Vagrant is basically a nomadic beggar so, I'll try to make him a bit more outlandish for this concept.
Vagrant can branch into thief or bandit. Bandit can branch into pirate or barbarian.

How's this sound so far?
Here's my thought of Vagrants.

Vagrant - Sellsword
- Mercenary - Bounty Hunter
- Freelancer - Ranger

I just thought of civilian as just your normal person who has yet to take a military profession. Thinking of this Youths might not need to exist.
This is why I'm not entirely sure having multiple classes to start out with is necessary. They typically don't mean much and blend together.
I do like having a spectrum though. We could have something of a "Institution" and "Nature" spectrum.
So like something that branches from the beginning. Like there is one absolute base class. If that's the case Youth can fit that and then branches to the next set of classes.
Yeah, something like that. I like aspirant for it since it essentially means "that which aspires".
I thought of aspirant for those who become the wielders of magics both healing and lethal.
Yeah, that could work. Maybe have magic be something of a "gift" and have magic users start as "conduits". Could have the more orderly ones be "disciples" and the more naturely be shamanistic or druidistic.

Of course, that's just a possibility, not a guarantee by any standard.

I'm thinking something like this could layout the basic groundwork for magic vs not magic because the terms are somewhat broad.

           Conduit                                                      Apprentice
                              Acolyte              Spiritualist              Partisan                  Freelancer                  

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