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So, this is just a small excerpt from what I've been writing for a bit. If you wish to criticize it, do so constructively, please. That means not just saying, "Oh, this sucks," and instead explaining why it sucks.

I made some changes and recommendations for you. Plot-wise, this seems like a good idea !

Thanks. To be honest, I tend to ignore grammar mistakes when I write, which is probably not the best way to go about it. Your corrections make me realize I made similar mistakes on previous pages. Thanks for the feedback, it was very helpful. Peer reviewing is much more helpful than school made it out to be, probably because the people doing the reviews didn't care about it. All in all, thanks SERIOUSLY.
Wow, this is pretty awesome, if you have any more writing I'd love to read it, also I agree with Seriously Though's critiques. Again though, I would love to read more of your writing. Also do you plan on publishing this?
The text is really good. The plot at least. With the excepcion of a few grammar mistakes (that SERIOUSLY THOUGH gladly corrected) it's very good.

But, what's the text for? For a book? A short text for a contest?
(03-30-2013, 10:38 PM)ThePlainGamer Wrote: Wow, this is pretty awesome, if you have any more writing I'd love to read it, also I agree with Seriously Though's critiques. Again though, I would love to read more of your writing. Also do you plan on publishing this?

I may post more, but only after fixing any of the obvious mistakes or after finishing writing a few more pages. As for publishing it, I'm not sure.

(03-31-2013, 05:04 AM)BomberJ Wrote: The text is really good. The plot at least. With the excepcion of a few grammar mistakes (that SERIOUSLY THOUGH gladly corrected) it's very good.

But, what's the text for? For a book? A short text for a contest?

It's for a book I'm trying to write. I tried to write one last year, but some of the plot ideas got a bit too complicated, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it, so I started over. This one has a new plot, characters, takes place in a different time period, etc. It's nice to hear there are some people interested in this, though.
I'll definitely keep a close eye on the progress of this - looks promising !

A close eye.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(03-31-2013, 08:20 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: I'll definitely keep a close eye on the progress of this - looks promising !

A close eye.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Well, I was going to say something, but that's too beautiful to say a smartass comeback to.
Ok, so here's the intro to the jackass mages of the story. Now, I'm not sure if the group name works, so tell me what you think. If you can think of a more fitting name for them, I'd be glad to hear it.


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