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Accepting a Pending Submission
What if you submit in-gameĀ trivia in vgfacts, they actually do what was saidĀ in that trivia before they accept it as one of the submissions. ex. "When pressing the A button in Super Mario Bros., you will jump" after you submit that, VGFacts will try the game themselves then do the given trivia so they can prove that it's true.
There are two problems with this plan. First, it seems that your goal is to avoid the necessity of a verifiable source. Us verifying that it's true does not help others do the same though - a source is always required. We're already really relaxed when it comes to source quality so this isn't going to change.

Second, even if this was an acceptable method, we're already immensely behind as far as the queue of pending submissions goes as it is. It just isn't feasible for us to obtain and play every game for every piece of the thousands of trivia that gets submitted. This is even more true when said trivia does not take place at the very beginning of the game.
(04-04-2016, 09:49 PM)Petie Wrote: There are two problems with this plan. First, it seems that your goal is to avoid the necessity of a verifiable source. Us verifying that it's true does not help others do the same though - a source is always required. We're already really relaxed when it comes to source quality so this isn't going to change.

Second, even if this was an acceptable method, we're already immensely behind as far as the queue of pending submissions goes as it is. It just isn't feasible for us to obtain and play every game for every piece of the thousands of trivia that gets submitted. This is even more true when said trivia does not take place at the very beginning of the game.

I'm not telling you guys that you should do that but I am saying what if that means I am theorizing that if you do that though... But if you are just relying on source that means the trivia might or might not be true.
Which is why we require a verifiable source before we accept the trivia to begin with.

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