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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Know that feeling of wondering what's going when you go back to a game after a few months? Yeah, I'm finished with Breath of the Wild for a while and went back to Skyrim.

[Image: cRegE4i.jpg]

Thought I'd shill my Last of Us video here. It's a collection of clips of me playing on Grounded, and just wanted to show them off in one video.
Finally got around to completing Autumn Leaves mod for Fallout New Vegas. Would recommend.
It is official. I have submitted more trivia to a game than the Capcom-developed JoJo fighter. It was Street Fighter II mind you, but still.
Not sure I ever got around to mentioning it but I beat Fire Emblem Echoes months ago. The game is on fire, like shit, one of the best game I have played on the 3DS so far.

I just bought this hot trash, and it is as bad as I ever imagined. Best 99 cents I ever spent.
Hey can anyone with a Gen 4 Pokemon game (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum or Heart Gold/Soul Silver) help me out and let me trade you a Kadabra so I can evolve him? I'd really appreciate it.

Wouldn't reddit be a better place to ask for something specific like that?

I imagine they would have trading generals like that.
(08-19-2017, 12:08 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: ^

Wouldn't reddit be a better place to ask for something specific like that?

I imagine they would have trading generals like that.

Nah I meant to literally just trade and trade back my dude real quick, didn't want some rando stealing my guy so I figured I'd ask all of my best friends (and seriouslythough) here.
Didn't the trading service for 4th gen die with the DS's online services?
(08-19-2017, 01:00 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Didn't the trading service for 4th gen die with the DS's online services?

Aw did it? Damn, nevermind ignore everything I said except the seriously part.
I believe the local trading system still works if that helps any.
So, I was on my fifth playthrough of Yu-No (I talked about it before, it's a VN) and got stuck on a puzzle for an hour. I had a lot of fun working it out though had a pen and paper (well, a pencil and my literal desk)

The route I was taking had it that a girl went missing and you had to find her, you go to a shrine and discover a secret entrance that she must've taken. As you follow the path you come across a Sarcophagus and several dead bodies. As you check one of the bodies you discover a small laptop and a notebook. Reading the notebook tells you how the person died and how to escape, and it involves solving this puzzle.

[Image: puzzle.png]

It tells you in a very convoluted way how to solve it, and the laptop is used to keep notes. The main idea is that each of the signs represent a number of some sort (from 2-7) and the additional icons above the signs mean that you need to put a space between the last button you pressed and the one you pressed now.

So I looked for a pen and paper, but came up empty and just started writing it on my desk.

No seriously.

[Image: IMAG0153.jpg]

So you're supposed to make sure that you get everything in the right order and spot. It took an hour mostly due to figuring out where to start, and then figuring out you're meant to have it symmetrically. Each of those took 30 minutes. If you haven't noticed, the place I've put 252 and 17 needed to be sorted out first, otherwise you'd interfere with the other numbers later on. That took a while to work out, and then I worked out it needed to be symmetrical after the first attempt failed, but it started to take shape.

Here's the actual solution for anyone who cares.

But yeah, this post was just to say that I miss old puzzles in video games. I enjoyed doing them in Silent Hill, and kinda miss taking out a pen/paper to do them.
Cosmyk's reaction to beating Puyo Puyo 2 Remix Rally Mode with 1 credit on Twitch is great.
I only just realised that Mario Odyssey is coming out in October which means I have to buy a Switch sooner than I wanted to. :(
First world problems

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