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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Monster Hunter world is so gosh darn good geeze wow dang I forgot the thrill of shoving a new MH title directly into my veins
Today marks the beginning of the 15th case Phoenix Wright took on.
Committed on beating Tales of Vesperia. Put in the work, the save spots are sparodic, and the game already kicked me out of the game. Resulting in lost time and effort.

Still fun.
The final case of Trials and Tribulations begins today, technically marking the 16th case Phoenix Wright took on, and also the first case a certain prosecutor took on.
Happy 30th anniversary to the Nintendo Wars series! (I'm six months late to the party, I know). AKA Famicom Wars AKA Advance Wars.

Happy 30th anniversary, Strider!

Happy 25th anniversary, Daytona USA!

Happy 20th anniversary to the Dance Dance Revolution series! (I'm five months late, I know)

Happy 10th anniversary to Bionic Commando Rearmed! This was a remake for the NES game Bionic Commando (I'm like seven months late, I know). And while we are at it, happy 30th anniversary to NES' Bionic Commando! (I'm also several months late on this one, I know).

Happy 20th anniversary, Pepsiman!! (March 4th)

Happy 20th anniversary, Power Stone! (February 25th)

Happy 20th anniversary, Final Fantasy VIII! (February 11th)

Happy 15th anniversary, Metroid: Zero Mission! (February 9th)

Happy 15th anniversary, F-Zero GX! (I'm seven months late, I know)

Happy 10th anniversary, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story! (February 11th)

Happy 10th anniversary, Yakuza 3! (February 26th)

And lastly, happy 10th anniversary to Street Fighter IV! (console version, February 12th)
Resident Evil 5 was released in North America and Europe 10 years ago.

Oh, and happy 20th anniversary to Final Fantasy VI (PS1 version, March 11th).
Today marks the 17th case Phoenix Wright took on.

See you in 7 years.
Reasons why should you not hate Epic Games

1. Unreal Engine

2. Unreal (the series, Unreal Tourtament etc.)

3. Gears Of War

4. ZZT

5. Bulletstorm
A month late to the party, but Space Ace is now 35 years old.

A month late to the party, but the original Gameboy is now 30 years old.

A month late to the party, but Duck Hunt is now 30 years old.

Two months late, but happy 20th anniversary to GTA London 1969 (an expansion pack for the original GTA game).

Two months late to the party, but happy 15th anniversary to Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors!


Happy 15th anniversary to the Far Cry series! (March 23)

Happy 20th anniversary to Pokémon Snap (March 21st)

Happy 25th anniversary to Super Metroid (March 19th)

Happy 15th anniversary to Mario. Vs Donkey Kong for GBA (May 24th)

Happy 10th anniversary to Punch-Out for the Wii! (May 18)

Happy 20th anniversary to Ape Escape (May 31)
Happy 20th anniversary, Dino Crisis!

Happy 15th anniversary, Silent Hill: The Room for PS2 (June 17th)
Happy 35th anniversary, Donkey Kong 3! (July 4th)

Almost two weeks late, but Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year for GameCube was released in Japan 15 years ago.

I know I'm late, but happy 30th anniversary to the Mother/Earthbound series! (July 27)

EDIT (August 5): Happy 15th anniversary, Under the Skin!
One day late to the party, but Devil May Cry is 18 years old.


Happy 20th anniversary, Soul Calibur 1! (August 5th)

Happy 56th birthday, Hideo Kojima!

Happy 30th anniversary, Street Smart! (a pre-Neo Geo SNK game)

Happy 25th anniversary, Earthbound / Mother 2! (August 27)
A month late, but happy 40th anniversary to Galaxian! This is the prequel to Galaga.

A month late, but happy 10th anniversary to Halo 3: ODST!

Happy 40th anniversary to Sheriff! It was the first videogame Shigeru Miyamoto worked on. This was before Donkey Kong.

Grand Theft Auto III is now 18 years old.

Happy 25th anniversary, Sonic & Knuckles!

Happy 15th anniversary, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones! (October 7th)

Happy 10th anniversary, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey! (October 8th)

Happy 15th anniversary to F-Zero Climax for the GameBoy Advance! (October 21). This was the last F-Zero game ever released.

Happy 15th anniversary to Dororo: Blood Will Tell! This video game is an adaptation of the manga Dororo by Osamu Tezuka.

Happy 5th anniversary, Bayonetta 2! (September 20)

It's been now 10 years since the passing of Donald Ivan Punchatz. He was the artist behind the Doom 1 cover art. Aside from that he drew illustrations for numerous books and publications, including magazines such as Heavy Metal, National Geographic, Playboy, and Time.


Happy 15th anniversary to Mario Power Tennis! (October 28)

Happy 10th anniversary to Sin & Punishment: Star Successor! (October 29)
A day late to the party but Happy 10th anniversary to 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors!

Eleven days late to the party, but happy 20th anniversary to Doshin the Giant!

Happy 30th anniversary to the Final Fight series! (December 1st)

Happy 20th anniversary to Pokémon Gold and Silver for the GBC! (November 21)

One month late, but happy 15th anniversary to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes!

A month late to the party but happy 15th anniversary to the Nintendo DS!

Almost a month late but happy 15th anniversary to Half-Life 2! (November 16)

A month late but happy 20th anniversary to Half-Life: Opposing Force!

A month late but happy 35th anniversary to the arcade version of Ballon Fight (AKA Vs. Balloon Fight)!

EDIT (December 29): Happy 20th anniversary to the Shenmue series!

(10-05-2018, 07:47 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I was watching the end of a PUBG match posted on reddit. It was 1 v 3 at the end of a squad match and as the zone is coming in, the team of 3 had to jump down from a high cliff and the person recording sniped the first 2 and the 3rd one died from the jump.
I commented "It was at that moment, the last guy realized he didn't have a Yoshi to jump off of"; one reply is "yoshi?"
Am I so old that the are gamers that do not know the infamous jump off Yoshi's back and Mario makes it safely while Yoshi falls in a hole and is reincarnated in another egg? Come on, it's Yoshi. Who doesn't know who Yoshi is?

Kakariko, I KNOW that I am a year late to this (shame on me for not coming up with an answer back then, I know) but I don't think this is a matter of you being "too old", but rather a case of some people not knowing much about Nintendo in general. There is also people on the other side of the spectrum, aka Nintendo fans who are ignorant about anything non-Nintendo related.
Happy 40th anniversary to the Game & Watch!

Three months late to the party but happy 35th anniversary, Ice Climber!

Three months late but happy 10th anniversary to Last Window: The Secret of Cape West! This game is the sequel to Hotel Dusk!

Two months late but happy 15th anniversary, Devil May Cry 3!

Almost one month late but happy 20th anniversary to Black & White!

One month late but happy 10th anniversary, Yakuza 4!

Happy 10th anniversary, Super Mario Galaxy 2!

One month late but happy 25th anniversary, Chrono Trigger!

One month late but happy 20th anniversary, Metal Slug 3!

One month late but happy 5th anniversary to Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number!

The Fire Emblem series is officially 30 years old.

The God of War series is officually 15 years old.

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