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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Happy 5th anniversary, VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action! (June 21)

Happy 25th anniversary, Super Mario 64! (June 23)
Happy 40th anniversary to the Donkey Kong series!

Remenber Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within? The movie is now 20 years old.
Remenber this scene from Yakuza 3?

A lot of people make fun of this scene, but the thing is his English is actually spot on. It's understandable and its grammically correct. He also is not adding random vowels. I think is the accent that threw people off.
(07-14-2021, 10:22 AM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: Remenber this scene from Yakuza 3?

A lot of people make fun of this scene, but the thing is his English is actually spot on. It's understandable and its grammically correct. He also is not adding random vowels. I think is the accent that threw people off.

That's something that always amuses me about the Yakuza series. A majority of people only really know about the hijinks of the series that most of the themes and story of the series is usually not taken at face value. Those Japanese VA are trying their damn hardest but it's the accent here that takes away the seriousness of the scene and messes up the tone. Good effort nonetheless.
Happy 40th anniversary, Galaga!

Happy 20th anniversary, Max Payne!

Remedy Entertaiment Wrote:Max Payne was released on July 23, 2001, 20 years ago today. Happy birthday, Max Payne! Here's Sam Lake (Max Payne) and James McCaffrey (Max Payne) with an anniversary message, and a special, familiar jacket.

Thank you, and happy anniversary, to Rockstar Games, 3D Realms, Remedy Entertainment, and everyone who worked on the game! And to all of Max's fans who played and loved the game these past 20 years.

Yo, anyone remenber the flash game Transmigration?

Song: ParagonX9 - Chaoz Fantasy

Happy 15th anniversary, Mario Hoops 3-on-3 / Mario Slam Basketball!

This is a Mario sports game developed by Square Enix yet it didn't feature Geno at all. Not even as a cameo. Talk about a missed opportunity.
Hey, have you heard about Diavolo No Daibouken? Probably not. The game is rather obscurse, at least in the Western hemisphere. I don't know how popular the game is in Japan.

Diavolo No Daibouken (ディアボロの大冒険) is a fangame based on the popular manga and anime series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and it was released somewhere between the year 2007 and 2008 to coincide with the 20th anniversary of JoJo's. The game is a roguelike game where you play as Spoiler:the main villain of JoJo Vento Aureo: Diavolo AKA The Boss.. The game takes place after the end of JoJo Vento Aureo.
Remenber the flash game Crazy Flasher 3? It was a side-scrolling beat em' up from BBPlayer dot net

Years later and I still don't know who or what "Deatch Match BPK" is supposed to be.

Crazy Flasher's protagonist Andy Law has his own profile over at Villains Wiki:

And remenber Choose your weapon? The game was about a green monkey in a suit fighting computer viruses.
Happy 20th anniversary, Golden Sun! Yes, I know I'm two days late.

Happy 15th anniversary to the Rhythm Heaven series!
Happy 51st birthday, Masahiro Sakurai!
I know I'm six days late, but happy 35th anniversary to Metroid!

Persona 5:
Happy 20th anniversary, Wario Land 4! (August 21)

Happy 20th anniversary, Devil May Cry!
Happy 15th anniversary to the Saints Row series!

I'm three days late, I know.
Hey people, remenber The Lost Vikings and it's sequel The Lost Vikings 2?

... yeah, that's it. That's the whole post.
Hey people, remenber Happy Wheels? That game was certainly... something else.

Also, remenber Boss Bash?

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