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General Anime/Manga/Otaku Thread
I just finished the first season of The World God Only Knows.

I swear, this guy, he beat over 100 visual novels in a day. I'm a casual compared to this guy.
(10-06-2013, 03:29 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: I just finished the first season of The World God Only Knows.

I swear, this guy, he beat over 100 visual novels in a day. I'm a casual compared to this guy.

He read a lot of comics?
I just watched the first episode of Pokemon: The Origins and Red's voice sounds a lot like Naruto's voice.

So I just looked it up and they have the same voice actor. Not only that but she also voice acts for a lot of other shows I've seen, and I didn't even have a clue.
I wonder what the animators were thinking during the Naruto vs Pain fight.
Like, seriously:
I can't even take the fight seriously.
(10-07-2013, 06:11 PM)Ghost Nappa Wrote: I wonder what the animators were thinking during the Naruto vs Pain fight.
Like, seriously:
I can't even take the fight seriously.

Well he's not lying, that looks pretty painful.
(10-05-2013, 04:39 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Except for Deathnote I've never seen an anime even come close to being as good as the manga. It's only if the anime an original idea, where the manga comes after, that the anime is better.

Exceptions exceptions exceptions everywhere. Depending on the director, the anime can usually be better than the manga because it can take advantage of camera angle, color, and style to enhance both the series story and look. Akyuki Shinbo usually adapts works that completely dominate the manga counterpart that it was based off, and there are others.

If an anime follows to close to the manga though, it will have problems. As much as I like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, the first 13 episodes are rather shite as it had terrible pacing and it followed the route of the manga and had humor where it didn't work in early scenes. After those 13 however, it started to pick up and become really good.

Oh, and of course, let's not forget the original FMA(2003) anime. It was adapted while the manga was ongoing and deviated from the story of the manga. You know what though? It was still fantastic as it had it's own themes with concentrations on different characters that worked splendid due to the director.

and no, this isn't an insult to either Brotherhood or the 2003 anime, as they are both great. I'd say that Brotherhood had more problems though.
(10-07-2013, 06:54 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 04:39 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Except for Deathnote I've never seen an anime even come close to being as good as the manga. It's only if the anime an original idea, where the manga comes after, that the anime is better.

Exceptions exceptions exceptions everywhere. Depending on the director, the anime can usually be better than the manga because it can take advantage of camera angle, color, and style to enhance both the series story and look. Akyuki Shinbo usually adapts works that completely dominate the manga counterpart that it was based off, and there are others.

If an anime follows to close to the manga though, it will have problems. As much as I like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, the first 13 episodes are rather shite as it had terrible pacing and it followed the route of the manga and had humor where it didn't work in early scenes. After those 13 however, it started to pick up and become really good.

Oh, and of course, let's not forget the original FMA(2003) anime. It was adapted while the manga was ongoing and deviated from the story of the manga. You know what though? It was still fantastic as it had it's own themes with concentrations on different characters that worked splendid due to the director.

and no, this isn't an insult to either Brotherhood or the 2003 anime, as they are both great. I'd say that Brotherhood had more problems though.

Good for you if a manga series you follow got proper treatment. I have piles of mangas that I read which have been adapted that say otherwise.
I finally watched Madoka Magica after months of saying that I will watch the damn thing.

I was not disappointed.

I mean like yeah Madoka is a bit of a Mary Sue but everything else is just so good.

Especially the Soundtrack. Holy shit I love the Soundtrack.
(10-11-2013, 02:12 PM)Klonoa Wrote: I finally watched Madoka Magica after months of saying that I will watch the damn thing.

I was not disappointed.

I mean like yeah Madoka is a bit of a Mary Sue but everything else is just so good.

Especially the Soundtrack. Holy shit I love the Soundtrack.

Yeah, Madoka herself was boring compared to the other characters, but her personality was kind of the point. It's due to her normal and average life that she felt she did not need to become a magical girl, while the other characters with more history and depth towards them did.

Oh, and the soundtrack is fantastic. I wouldn't expect less from Yuki Kajura.
I guess this kinda goes here. My friend is ashamed of me liking anime/manga. It's not like I would go out and shout it to people nor do I really even mention the fact unless it is brought up for some reason. I really don't understand why he would be ashamed of something related to me, especially when I don't make it my duty to make everyone know.
(10-14-2013, 03:02 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I guess this kinda goes here. My friend is ashamed of me liking anime/manga. It's not like I would go out and shout it to people nor do I really even mention the fact unless it is brought up for some reason. I really don't understand why he would be ashamed of something related to me, especially when I don't make it my duty to make everyone know.

How harsh is he about it?
Not at all. It's like he had a really ugly mole he didn't want anyone to see. Like... It's hard to explain. As in he doesn't want people to know that his friend is into anime, kind of way. I don't even know how that makes sense. Kind of like if your friend was a rapist, I'd assume.

He isn't mean to me about it. He is just... ashamed. It's weird.
Distraction, you're a cool guy and all, but never make the comparison of an anime fan to a rapist. That's [Image: hIO0rrG.jpg]
Anyways, he's just probably going off the preconceptions people have of it. That's just silly to me and I wouldn't think much about it. If he's your friend, he should understand you're not one of those otaku who hump their body pillows after sticking spoons of spaghetti inside all the holes. That, or he needs to half some better self esteem and not worry what others think about him just because he has a friend who likes something else. That's so middle school.
Why would you be ashamed of some one liking Anime and Manga? It's just cartoons and comics (don't argue. it's true). Now if you started to admit that you liked The Human Centipede or Hostel, I can see why they would be this way. Maybe they think it's all like Bible Black. That can get you turned off from anime and make you think other people who like it are Rapists.
That's probably the weirdest thing I've heard in a while. Being ashamed because someone else likes something. wut?

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