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Mass Effect Pokemon
This is just a silly idea I had, and I figured I'd extend it to the community if anyone is interested. I am thinking about drawing the squads from Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3. My only stipulation is that there needs to be a reason for that person to be that Pokemon, and they evolve with each game iteration.

Not final, but here's my example.

Commander Shepard. Shepard = herder of sheep. Shepard is in 3 games. Shepard has 3 forms. So

ME1 Shepard - Mareep
ME2 Shepard - Flaaffy
ME3 Shepard - Ampharos
(07-24-2016, 09:13 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: This is just a silly idea I had, and I figured I'd extend it to the community if anyone is interested. I am thinking about drawing the squads from Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3. My only stipulation is that there needs to be a reason for that person to be that Pokemon, and they evolve with each game iteration.

Not final, but here's my example.

Commander Shepard. Shepard = herder of sheep. Shepard is in 3 games. Shepard has 3 forms. So

ME1 Shepard - Mareep
ME2 Shepard - Flaaffy
ME3 Shepard - Ampharos

Can't lie; was expecting X-Files music and Illuminati.
Welcome to .... The Cerberus Zone
Let me actually think about this -- I'll have a ponder.
I was considering "Charmander Shepard" but the pun only works for the first game.

Listing out Squad members with links. Shepard, as the playable character, is included in all of these. He/she is not the only one, but due to the way the game's mapped out, you can potentially not have certain other members in each game. If I get a good suggestion for Anderson, Chakwas, or Joker, I'll consider them as well.
Edit : The Linking tool really likes Ashley so I'm just going to link the wiki character portals for each game. We're going for Squad members.
I'm thinking Kasumi should be a Kecleon. Invisibility and all that. Might fit Thane better..

Misdreavus for Morinth and Mismagius for Samara. The hair just fits Asari well and those two are spooky.

Ashley as Feebas then Milotic (because her character design changes are really extreme and went from soldier to super model) (maybe combee/Vesiquen.)

Wrex as Cranidos with Grunt being Rampardos. Or as Sawk/Thjroh. SInce Grunt's a "perfect Krogan" and Wrex is a perfect leader. Not sure if it should be direct evolution as Grunt was intended to be, or just an adjacent.

Garrus as Gible/Gabite/Garchomp? Blue, and bad ass.

E-De as Rotom? (not sure how I would do this one.) AI

Kaidan as Bidoof/Bibarel? He's kind of boring. I'm not sure what to say for him.

Liara as Munna/Musharna? All that dreamer about her.

Javik as Beheeyem? Beheeyem is alien even for Pokemon. So is Javik.

Tali as Litwick/Lampent/Chandelure? The mask and sicklyness kind of compliment each other here. Maybe the Solosis line.

Torkoal for James? Fiery personality, really tanky, no real personality.

Sableye for Jacob? Worked for Cerberus, kind of shady until you get to know him. Might be better for Miranda.

Skarmory for Legion? I want to make him compliment Tali if possible, but it'd be hard in this framework as she would need 3 forms while he could only have one, and he's not necessarily "bad".

Smeragle for Mordin? Fits his disposition.

I've seriously underestimated how many Pokemon actually only have 1 form nowadays...
Noibat/Noivern could be good for the krogans since they're based off of bats.

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