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Optional things that WERE worth it
Technically all the endings in New Vegas.

If you were like me and played NV to side with everyone on 4 playthroughs, you basically extended your playtime from 80-100 hours to 400-500 hours. I absolutely loved it.

Shame the Legion wasn't as good as it could've been, I really just rushed that playthrough to get it over and done with, but I spent over 100 hours on my NCR, Independent and House runs.

If it also counts, examining and presenting everything you could to people in Ace Attorney games. Sure there isn't a lot of payoff most of the time, but in many cases you could get a snide remark about how you always present things, to backstory from characters regarding the item you're showing, hell my favourite has got to be when you present all the women to Larry in T&T he gives his rundown on how cute/hot they all are. Spoiler:Including Pearl

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