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Something a Little Odd
So when I checked my emails I got usual notification messages about topic replies. However, one was different from the others in that it actually told me about a new reply through a PM.

[Image: 1PooYBI.jpg]

[Image: SaKx2qG.jpg]

[Image: d2DGqIR.jpg]

It's not a huge deal, just different, so I thought I'd share. This is the only topic it happened with. Did anyone else get a message like this? Kakariko Kid, what did you do? ;p
You may have accidentally subscribed to that thread with PM notification enabled as well.
I see that wink, Hex.
...I just checked my subscriptions and yeah... Even though I have no idea how that happened it is indeed set to PM notifications, so there's egg on my face. I don't know how forums work >>; Sorry.

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