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Nuzlocke Challenge
You should name him Soup. He's already dead so it doesn't matter.
I BEAT THE STUPID DRAGON GYM LEADER! And yes, I know her name, I just refuse to say it.
I ended up just sweeping her team with Alakazam until she got to Kingdra, then I whittled it down to the red and switched out for my level 47 Dewgong, Waldo as she Hyper Potioned, then I used Hail and killed her with two Blizzards.
Of course, after the battle she made me go inside of a cave to get "the approval of the elders" (which I'm pretty sure violates league rules), so I did, then she came in and started whining. I really hate that gym leader, everything about her is just terrible, by far the worst gym I've ever fought.

Now my team is Waldo (Dewgong) at 47, Poom (Jumpluff) at 32, Gandalf (Foretress) at 33, Bullshit (Tauros) at 35, OP (Alakazam) at 37, and currently Togetic at 32, although I might switch her out for something. I'm having a lot of fun with this Nuzlocke, I love being forced to use pokemon that I'd normally avoid, I honestly think that this is the first time I've ever had a Dewgong.
3rd time was the charm with the Nuzlocke. I actually beat my rival (Oak 3rd) with Squirtle. My squirtle is named Terminator. I also am now the proud trainer of a rattatata named Leena. And I'm Zazzles.

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