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(10-30-2014, 11:21 PM)Arjahn Wrote: I got into Titanfall totally not-late to the party at all since it was on sale and the only way in hell I'd ever install Origin, and the core mechanics are really neat. The problem is that everyone starts with a cloaking device and a pistol that aims through cloaking devices and shoots for you.

For comparison, imagine if 1/3rd of every player in Team Fortress 2 was a spy who could move and jump like a scout, had as much health as a Solider, and had a level 2 sentry duck taped onto their back.

Titanfall is pretty easy to be honest.

I went from level 1 to level 13 in around 8 games, 7 of which I won and came first on the team in.

It's still a pretty fun game and if you can use your auto titan and anti titan weapons successfully you can do a lot of damage to enemy titans.

Also, I haven't met anyone using that noob autoaim pistol in a while. Must've just been bad luck on your end.
Ah man, you know what I really hate?

When games stop going by their own gameplay and changes it up for no reason.

Imagine if in Pokémon, you couldn't catch a Pokemon with a Pokeball UNTIL you went into the bag, opened the Pokéball your self and then closed it back up again and then it would work. Or something like that.

It's something that you never do because you don't expect to have to do it.

So, I'm finishing up Apollo Justice and I'm stuck on the 4th case, after presenting everything and examining everything, I don't have anything else to do. I've talked to everyone (key point here) and there is a tick next to the point you talk about.

That usually means that talking to them again about ANYTHING will results in nothing but the same sentence appering.

So, I give in and look up a walkthrough and it turned out I HAVE TO TO CHOOSE THE POINT I ALREADY DID TO ADVANCE THE STORY. Something that is NEVER done in Ace Attorney or if it has, it was a lot less fucking subtle.

God, I actually hated AJ a lot, and this just makes me hate it even more.
^ I won't say that something like that never happened. I've had my times with the games that I tried to do show eveadince that I KNOW convicted the suspect only to find out I was wrong and got a strike........ ONLY to find out that I was right three minutes later and they did not want me to make Phoenix look smarter than he really is (the lamp recit comes to mind).

Can I also say that I don't like Phoenix Wright (the character)? I do like the series for making you think, but Phoenix is kinda dumb. He's meant to be qourqy and a fun guy, but from what I have played of the games (the first game and two missions of the second) he makes a whorable lawyer since he can figure anything out without a bunch of hints (yes I know. It's a game. We need the hints to make it easier, but that's beside the point). I don't think I'm all that smart and I could figure out who did it, how they did it, and just how to convict them all with half the hints and eveadince. There's also the point that I don't have friends helping me and Phoenix has both Miles and Maya, both of whom have helped put more criminals away than Phoenix has by himself due to the fact that Maya is a spirit medium and can bring the one person that Phoenix NEEDS to solve ANY case.

You need to remember that this judicial system is fucking retarded to the point that in Apollo Justice
as well as the fact in Trials and Tribulations
, and when you put this together with an incompetant judge and someone who prefers a guilty verdict to the truth you can see that when you may know the right evidence, and the culprit you still need more to convince the people around you.

As for Phoenix's character, it's mainly to show that he is still a happy go lucky rookie. He's a smart person but the twists and turns in the case throw him off, and the game itself has the handicap Phoenix to handicap the player, but if the player knows what the present then it makes Phoenix look like a retard. What I didn't like though, is that when you get to Apollo Justice
as well as the fact that AA games are meant to be somewhat humourous and so one way this is done is to make Phoenix act more stupid than he actually does (through stupid options and such) and this is seen in how everyone else around him acts much more stupid than him apart from the prosecution and the main bad guys half the time.

Also, as for the Maya and Miles, Maya has her spirit medium retardedness, you need to remember that she can't always call upon Mia to help her, and when she does it's only when HE REALLY NEEDS IT, and since she never trains pretty much. Maya becomes useless outside of that, it's why the fact we can call upon Deus Ex Machina when we actually need her instead of just forcing her in every game or so.

And for Miles, by law he cannot help the opposition or the trial would end and new lawyers would be chosen. The fact that he does only arises from the fact that he only ever goes with what he believes in, and if he believes that someone is guilty but is not the defendant then he will try to make sure they get the guilty verdict. As seen in 1-3 and 1-5.
PS Plus cloud storage is sometimes the worst thing on Vita, I've uploaded all my save data before I delete my games but everytime I get the game back and check the cloud storage the save is gone!! It's so frustrating because there are games I'm afraid of deleting like Persona 4 Golden because I fear all my progress will be gone even though I uploaded my file. Also why the hell is save data on the game, why can't I save it to my memory card like I did with my PSP.
Sounds terrible D: I'm always afraid of losing my saves, even for games I don't play anymore.
Super Mario Bros. 2: Lost levels.................

I hate this game............

I really do. It's the only game now adays to get me mad enough to scream at the people around me for doing whatever they are doing and just about brake a game sestem/ controler/ both at the same time. When I beat the game on the All-Stars pack, I though I was done with it.

On my way to beating Ultimate NES Remix, I desided to get all the Rainbow Stars. This means beating the Super Mario 2: Lost Levels challenges.

In the end all I have to say is "AHHHHHH! MY HAND!!! IT HURTS!!!!!"
Man, I'm too tired of Silent Hill's bullshit.

For some reason there was no health before a boss fight that can kill you in two hits if you're not careful and I'm already at medium health where 3 hits from anything can kill me. So I'm just going to go back to a save from like 30 minutes ago (the game is surprisingly short) and follow some walkthrough in which I need to use this key I found from this guy to go to his motorcycle and find some liquid that I was supposed to find originally in the hospital that I need to put in a plastic bottle (which I found in the hospital) and then use that to save this person I'm meant to kill.

Also the camera is retarded as shit and the game was probably a 9/10 back in 1999 but it's barely a 7/10 now. The controls ruin it severely and the gameplay is 60% running away, 5% standing still, 5% trying to find the fucking map for the area and 30% shooting things.

If it wasn't for the health system and controls the game would be fine.
(01-01-2015, 02:20 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: I need to use this key I found from this guy to go to his motorcycle and find some liquid that I was supposed to find originally in the hospital that I need to put in a plastic bottle (which I found in the hospital) and then use that to save this person I'm meant to kill.

That's still way more logical than anything Code: Veronica has sent my way. I have no fucking clue how people get around on this island.
Iv'e been trying to track down a pre-order for this but every site I checked has none left...
I really hope they restock soon or I'm gonna get mad, and you don't wanna see me when I'm mad...*shudder*
Forced stealth segments in videogames are a blast! Why, I was just walking around in the radiant hills of Mordor, picking some gentile herbs and spices for my salad, when a yellow icon told me to follow some wondrous man with a sword! This Adonis, champion of champions, told me to poison some Orc no-no juice in order to clear them out and save his wife! Of course he could only supervise instead of, oh, splitting the poison and accomplishing the goal in half of the time or even keeping watch and having my back, but he needed to practice his calisthenics for the big baseball match against our rival middle school tomorrow! Smart thinking, pal! While I could easily send every orc in this camp site to the great barrel of grog in the sky using my sharp sharp stick, the game told me that I was being silly and the only real way to do it was walking kinda near a few heavily guarded barrels and pressing "V"! I was concerned at first, but then I realized that the letter V must be the orcs favorite! Guard Man Dude is a genius! So I try and crouch around some orcs and they spot me! Silly orcs! I manage to escape the camp unencumbered, only for the game to inform me that I failed for leaving the mission area even though I had planned to return after the commotion died down. This failure then resulted in me having to redo the entire mission, hooray more fun with my friends!

Seriously game, I'm an unstoppable juggernaut and the most fun your game can offer is having the player slice through a camp of Uruks. Instead of hindering the player by removing the FUN ELEMENTS OF YOUR DAMN GAME, maybe actually design challenging levels or enemies instead of forcing me to crouch around like an idiot after picking up flowers.
^It also works in reverse. Forced shootouts in stealth games are also terrible. I spent so much time trying to sneak through some parts of The Last of Us unnoticed only to have the game tell me, after I had sneakily killed every man on earth, that NO, THIS STEALTH GAME BASED ON STEALTH TACTICS AND AMMO PRESERVATION NEEDS TO HAVE A GIANT SHOOTOUT WITH ALL THESE PEOPLE YOU JUST MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD and everyone spawns back in the game, already in an alerted stage and everyone magically knows where you are hiding. Great. Thanks game. That's an hour down the drain.
(01-10-2015, 04:44 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: ^It also works in reverse. Forced shootouts in stealth games are also terrible. I spent so much time trying to sneak through some parts of The Last of Us unnoticed only to have the game tell me, after I had sneakily killed every man on earth, that NO, THIS STEALTH GAME BASED ON STEALTH TACTICS AND AMMO PRESERVATION NEEDS TO HAVE A GIANT SHOOTOUT WITH ALL THESE PEOPLE YOU JUST MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD and everyone spawns back in the game, already in an alerted stage and everyone magically knows where you are hiding. Great. Thanks game. That's an hour down the drain.

Oh lawdy I know what you're talking about, part of the reason I gave up on Deus ex.

They're impossible to do on the first go !


Great game, though.
Dealing with a major case of 'the computer is a cheating bastard in Vice City.

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