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Save your money if you can't fix it.

Is it giving you red ring? Has is been jostled recently or is it not moved?
(09-17-2015, 03:51 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Save your money if you can't fix it.

Is it giving you red ring? Has is been jostled recently or is it not moved?

It's giving the sign for overheating (Two Red Lights), which I though nothing of since my house gets really hot. It's been stored away for sometime now (last summer if I remember correctly) as I was waiting for the whether to get colder, so I was thinking dust now. With all the dust gone and a cold house, I'm still getting the two lights. The only jostling I could have done was taking it from my room to the living room (which is basically right next to each other).
I got pretty pissed off at Persona 3 last night. I went through about 7 floors in the Tartarus and ended up in a battle with 3 Almighty Hands and even though it should have been a fair fight, they killed me faster than I could run away, meaning I lost over an hour of fights to an unfair situation and made no sense at all.
So, after finishing TPP. I wanted to go back and try the MSX titles. I attempted to try them back in 2012 when I finished MGS3, but I figured they weren't for me.

Anyhow, I started it up and attempted to get as far as I could. It was difficult, but every 10 deaths or so the game would give you a full inventory of ammo and rations, basically making the game much easier to handle and was very nice to do so. There were also many POW's that I didn't save mainly because they were out of the way and would usually kill me due to people seeing me. The game didn't tell me to rescue them and even if I did they would never give me any useful information. Several of them did, but many of them just said "Thanks" and nothing in the game made you think that you had to save them.

I was trying to do it without a guide, and got quite far before having to rely on a speedrun for one small thing. But I always kept the speedrun in tune with my game just to make sure that if I missed something I'd know. There was a boss fight with a tank that if it touched you you'd die. I attempted to kill it but kept getting touched by it and dying but found that it could be skipped if timed correctly in the speedrun, so I also timed my game corrctly to skip it and didn't bother with it afterwards.

About 50 minutes later, I noticed that I am not in sync with the speedrun. Something happened to his that didn't happen to mine, and I couldn't proceed in the game because of it. It turned out that you had to rescue ALL of the POW's or else you couldn't contact this important person to help you advance in the game. So I tried my best but had to go back, but the only problem was the boss fight.

Since I skipped the boss fight, going back would instantly place Snake on the Tank's spawn, meaning he would die. The checkpoint is also beyond the tank, meaning that I couldn't do anything. I'd just keep dying and dying until I eventually gave up and had to start again.

Such a shame really. I guess I shouldn't have cheated but I really found that to be an annoying thing to happen after having to fucking play through 4 hours of it just to learn I'd fucked up. I'm really pissed at that.
I just got done playing the Tak trilogy (the first three games before they made the show and made two games from the show's plot). They were kinda fun.... in a way. Maybe becuse I got to them so late I missed out on what made them stand out above all the other platformer games (except for the humor, which was right up my ally). They were kinda genaric in my opinion.

Now I would normaly put this in the "Last game you beat" thread, but I have to let off some steam. Tak: Great Juju Challenge is a bad game (in that it's a co-op platformer with very little fun in it). Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that it is fun with a second player that you're working with, so I'm giving it the binafit of the dout. What I can't forgive is it's "boss battles" (using the term very, very, VERY loosely). After every set of platforming stages, you have to go up agenst the other teams in battleing go-karts. As much as I love battleing in Mario Kart, the problum is, this isn't Mario Kart and they should not use them for every end of round "fights." What really gets on my nerves is the final "battle," in which you fight team evil who has an evil god on his side. Once you get more points then them, they cheat by making the scores tied up makeing you redo the "fight"....... twice. Three rounds of slopy conroling go-karts with the eivl team having the "better" (they say it is, but I'm not sure if it is) kart. It is now 3:30 in the moring and I started it 2HOURS ago thinking I was going to bed in 10 minutes. What really pissed me off is the ending. I would have exepted a heroes ceramony, metals given to Tak and Lok, or even having Travis (the dark Juju God) being thrown into a cage (perferably, the Caged Juju's cage). What do we end on insted of a great acivment or thank you for playing? A lame joke about beating rush hour so no one could come to your party and a freeze frame high five. What a f*cking anticlimactic ending to an anticlimactic third game. Pick up the first two games (Power of Juju and Staff of Dreams) but ignore Great Juju Challenge.
I'm done with Sonic. I'm just done.
I just experienced the worst kind of "f*ck you" I have ever seen in a game. I was playing Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within, also known as Ghost Head, and I got to the final chapter after multiple times when I "locked" myself from advancing in the game, meaning I made a wrong choice that prevented the next story piece from appearing, resulting in me running around for hours and finally checking a walkthrough that tells me I just have to load an older save because I done f*ucked my progress. Well, that's okay, I can just redo the choice and continue, right? Well, it was going fine and dandy, with a lot of loading old saves, up until that aforementioned final chapter. After I got killed by a seemingly random suit of armor dropping from the sky on my head for a few times, and after scouring every corner of every room with both characters, I went to check what choices screwed me over this time. Turns out there is a random chance that the suit of armor found in the very beginning of the game, the same one that eventually drops on my head seemingly out of nowhere at the very end of the game, starts moving when touched and ONLY IF THIS COMPLETELY RANDOMLY GENERATED EVENT HAPPENS does the armor not fall on your character at the end of the game, thus preventing you from finishing it. Believe me, I fondled the damn thing at least a dozen times, just like every other item in the house when I was stuck, and it did not move. There has been only one occurrence of the movement happening and I got killed immediately after so of course that didn't carry on to my eventually fruitful playthrough. Tough shit.

Seriously, who codes their game so that you cannot complete it unless a completely random event takes place at the god damn beginning of it? So basically I can't finish the game unless I start it over from the beginning and start pestering the damn armor. Screw that.
(10-22-2015, 02:07 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I just experienced the worst kind of "f*ck you" I have ever seen in a game. I was playing Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within, also known as Ghost Head, and I got to the final chapter after multiple times when I "locked" myself from advancing in the game, meaning I made a wrong choice that prevented the next story piece from appearing, resulting in me running around for hours and finally checking a walkthrough that tells me I just have to load an older save because I done f*ucked my progress. Well, that's okay, I can just redo the choice and continue, right? Well, it was going fine and dandy, with a lot of loading old saves, up until that aforementioned final chapter. After I got killed by a seemingly random suit of armor dropping from the sky on my head for a few times, and after scouring every corner of every room with both characters, I went to check what choices screwed me over this time. Turns out there is a random chance that the suit of armor found in the very beginning of the game, the same one that eventually drops on my head seemingly out of nowhere at the very end of the game, starts moving when touched and ONLY IF THIS COMPLETELY RANDOMLY GENERATED EVENT HAPPENS does the armor not fall on your character at the end of the game, thus preventing you from finishing it. Believe me, I fondled the damn thing at least a dozen times, just like every other item in the house when I was stuck, and it did not move. There has been only one occurrence of the movement happening and I got killed immediately after so of course that didn't carry on to my eventually fruitful playthrough. Tough shit.

Seriously, who codes their game so that you cannot complete it unless a completely random event takes place at the god damn beginning of it? So basically I can't finish the game unless I start it over from the beginning and start pestering the damn armor. Screw that.

That is the stupidest thing I've  heard all day !! I'd demand my money back.
Let's just say I'm glad I didn't actually purchase the game. Still, it was hours of my time down the gutter and that pisses me off. I'd be even more pissed if I had actually paid for this.
(10-22-2015, 02:07 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I just experienced the worst kind of "f*ck you" I have ever seen in a game. I was playing Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within, also known as Ghost Head, and I got to the final chapter after multiple times when I "locked" myself from advancing in the game, meaning I made a wrong choice that prevented the next story piece from appearing, resulting in me running around for hours and finally checking a walkthrough that tells me I just have to load an older save because I done f*ucked my progress. Well, that's okay, I can just redo the choice and continue, right? Well, it was going fine and dandy, with a lot of loading old saves, up until that aforementioned final chapter. After I got killed by a seemingly random suit of armor dropping from the sky on my head for a few times, and after scouring every corner of every room with both characters, I went to check what choices screwed me over this time. Turns out there is a random chance that the suit of armor found in the very beginning of the game, the same one that eventually drops on my head seemingly out of nowhere at the very end of the game, starts moving when touched and ONLY IF THIS COMPLETELY RANDOMLY GENERATED EVENT HAPPENS does the armor not fall on your character at the end of the game, thus preventing you from finishing it. Believe me, I fondled the damn thing at least a dozen times, just like every other item in the house when I was stuck, and it did not move. There has been only one occurrence of the movement happening and I got killed immediately after so of course that didn't carry on to my eventually fruitful playthrough. Tough shit.

Seriously, who codes their game so that you cannot complete it unless a completely random event takes place at the god damn beginning of it? So basically I can't finish the game unless I start it over from the beginning and start pestering the damn armor. Screw that.

I have some info that might piss you off even more. If you check the armor after you get the Golden Statue, it won't move. This is because canonically, Michael Tate is supposed to be a zombie inside the armor. If you get the statue before checking the armor, you'll find his body stabbed in his room, rather than inside the armor, meaning you screwed yourself into the E ending. Also, if you check the armor too early, you also get a Bad Ending. So it's not that it's random, it's that you need to do it at a very specific time.

Why anyone would make getting a good ending hinged on such an inconsequential thing, I don't know. You'd have to ask Human Entertainment on that one.
I hate the game more every time I hear a new thing about it. Can't ask Human Entertainment though, the company doesn't exist anymore. Assholes. I think either Sunsoft or Capcom might own the IP nowadays since they made the last official entry in the series. I might one day try CT3 because at least I know the same people who made the decisions to screw players over in CT2 weren't making it.
So my older brother stayed up late last night playing a game, and some point during that was able to knock down my Luigi amiibo to where my dog could get it. Or rather, my Stumphand McMauledface amiibo as he come to be known as.
I'm not going to play the first Earthworm Jim for a while now. I FINALLY made it onto the last level 'Buttville' and all I did was get my ass handed to me by various things that are willing to stop at nothing from killing you. I managed to put it through at least three times before I raged quit.
So, I've been playing Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS. I'm doing smash runs, unlocking stuff. When I'm given the choice of some items at the end, multiple times I have chosen an item only to not get it, but I get one or more items that were options that I did NOT want! I just updated. Ugh!

Nevermind. I just realized not just anyone can use the equipment badges. This is complicated.

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