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German Rupees
You won't believe what Rupees are called in the German releases of Zelda Games:

They're called Rubins, which is the German named of what they're based off, Rubies. You can tell for sure on this German Translation Page:
The webpage you linked is Polish, not German.
And rubin is German for ruby.
(05-13-2017, 12:05 AM)SuperFlorian12 Wrote: The webpage you linked is Polish, not German.
And rubin is German for ruby.

I changed the link to something German that I was lucky to've founded. Thanks for noticing, guess Rubin is also Polish.
They're also called "rubis" in French, which is ruby.
(05-13-2017, 06:52 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: They're also called "rubis" in French, which is ruby.

So you're telling me. Thanks for the extra tidbit.


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