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Having trouble with replying
I tried to reply to this post:

Whenever I would try to paste a url for an image, the form would flash, go blank, and then reappear. I'm not sure what could cause this and I'm on the PC at work.
(09-07-2017, 08:23 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I tried to reply to this post:

Whenever I would try to paste a url for an image, the form would flash, go blank, and then reappear. I'm not sure what could cause this and I'm on the PC at work.

I don't know what causes your problem because I have never actually used that function until right now. I use the quote instead.

It seems to work fine for me. Maybe it's your PC.
I'm not sure I understand entirely. Where are you pasting this image URL?
I was posting the image as a Reply to a previous existing 4th Powerpuff Girl. Whenever I chose the reply button, I was not able to paste the copied url; I did get the image to paste whenever I simply typed in the web address between the [img][/img] brackets.

I don't recall ever having to do that, though. I'm not sure if the Twitter link could have affected it. If I need to reply and include an image, I can try it again to see if the same thing happens or I can just quote and paste in Quick Reply.
I'm still not sure I can completely imaging what's happening but my guess is that the WYSIWYG editor is trying to paste the image directly instead of its URL and that, for whatever reason, is causing the page to crash. It should work from the Quick Reply box or, if you're using the full editor, if you turn off the WYSIWYG features with the last button on the bar.
I'd use my phone to record it and post a video, but the power went out. It's nothing big, and probably nothing to bother with.
Well if you do manage to capture it, let me know and I'll look into it.

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