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April 1st 2019 joke catalog
Looks like we reached that time of the year, huh?

Sega Announces a new turn-based RPGJ game based off the Yakuza series.

The one and only Katsuhiro Harada is the latest addition to the TEKKEN 7 roster!!1!

PewDiePie congratulates T-Series except not really

Animator Mike Inel released a trailer for a new game called Splatoon Island
Everything is coming to Nintendo Switch! (or at least according to IGN) 

videogamedonkey released a parody of the Xbox conference
Vegetto is the latest addition to the Hyper Dragon Ball Z roster.
20+ Year Old Aerith Revival Easter Egg Finally Found

Celebrating 25 years of PlayStation with limited time merchandise!
Platinum Games announced a brand new IP

A new port/version of Fighting EX Layer was announced for smartphone (it is legit, but still April Fools)

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