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(03-29-2014, 03:39 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Sup new guy. Stay awile and improve whatever we are missing. We don't bite...... well most of us don't.

Yeah, Crunch is a way better move anyway.

Oh, uh, hi new guy. I hope you have resistance for dark type moves.
(03-29-2014, 09:28 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Oh, uh, hi new guy. I hope you have resistance for dark type moves.
I'm of dark element.
This newb has it going on. Kudos. PEMNAS. I like that.

Note: you are into preservation and such; I like that, so please save Nintendo from tanking. Only to save Zelda games.
Hello and welcome, OKeijiDragon! It's always great to see new members getting active quickly!
Well that's quite possibly the most in-depth beginning to any new member ever.

Glad to have you on board :)
Hey everyone my name is Brian. I won't get into my age because it makes me feel old but lets just say I've been playing video games for over 25 years and love every second I am playing a game. Other than that I collect old games and memorabilia as well as Yu-gi-oh cards as a hobby and of course playing with and raising my 3-month old daughter (told you I was old!)
Ah, I've seen your posts in the trivia section before. Nice to see you decided to join us on the discussions as well :) Welcome, by all means.
Welcome KidDivinegon to this community of ours. You'll feel welcomed right away trust me.
Hello everyone I am Fred, new to forum. I love and am playing game since 10 years. Just turned 30. My job and real life does not allow me to be a hardcore gamer, But i try to play as much as i can.
Hello and welcome, fredavil! Don't you dare to run. You're going to be here forever now.
Welcome fredavil. Glad to meet you! I'll bake a scorpion flavored cake with buttercream frosting for your welcoming party.
I figured I should introduce myself so here I go.

I'm a 21 years old French dude who like to glitch every video game I can. I am shy but can be very crazy once I know the person. I study Japanese at the university, my goal once I know all I need to speak Japanese? I don't know, I want to live in Japan but it's gonna be hard, because of various things.

I have a habit to leave a forum 3 days after my first post so I hope I will be able to stay a little longer here.

I have a cat, Dash: ,
and a ferret, Himiko: ,

My Youtube channel where I upload my stuff:
Welcome to the forums.

Please don't leave. We like new people.

On toast.

I mean, check out the threads and whatnot, it's a blast here.
(06-28-2014, 08:46 AM)Pewable Wrote: I figured I should introduce myself so here I go.

I'm a 21 years old French dude who like to glitch every video game I can. I am shy but can be very crazy once I know the person. I study Japanese at the university, my goal once I know all I need to speak Japanese? I don't know, I want to live in Japan but it's gonna be hard, because of various things.

I have a habit to leave a forum 3 days after my first post so I hope I will be able to stay a little longer here.

I have a cat, Dash: ,
and a ferret, Himiko: ,

My Youtube channel where I upload my stuff:

Un troisième ! On commence à avoir une vrai présence.

Welcome to the forums -- hope to see many posts !
Very cool, Pewable, and welcome!

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