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(06-28-2014, 08:46 AM)Pewable Wrote: I have a habit to leave a forum 3 days after my first post so I hope I will be able to stay a little longer here.

[Image: Mortal-Kombat-Scorpion-4.gif]
Your English reminds me of an old pen pal I used to have. That's not a bad thing, though. Much, much better that what French I can remember. I last wrote to her 13 years ago and all attempts to re-communicate with her have failed. Even Facebook has not helped.

Welcome to the forums!
Thanks guys! Yeah my English is kind of weird, but my French is also weird, I guess it's because I am weird. See, I wrote "weird" 3 times already. If someone wants help to translate a Japanese sentence or something, feel free to ask, even if I am not sure if I will be able to help or not. I am always happy to try.
Hello everybody. My name is Fabian (Obvious). Just to briefly introduce myself, I guess my main game to play is Pokemon. I'm a big football fan. Loved that Germany won the World cup! I'm 20 and yeah.. if you want to know more, feel free to ask!
(08-22-2014, 01:38 AM)Fabian Wrote: Hello everybody. My name is Fabian (Obvious). Just to briefly introduce myself, I guess my main game to play is Pokemon. I'm a big football fan. Loved that Germany won the World cup! I'm 20 and yeah.. if you want to know more, feel free to ask!

From the way that you use the words "football" and "world cup", I'm assuming that you're not American. That's cool. Welcome to our own piece of the inter web.
(08-22-2014, 01:38 AM)Fabian Wrote: Hello everybody. My name is Fabian (Obvious). Just to briefly introduce myself, I guess my main game to play is Pokemon. I'm a big football fan. Loved that Germany won the World cup! I'm 20 and yeah.. if you want to know more, feel free to ask!

Willkommen to the forum !

I'm also very glad you won the world cup -- Very much deserved.
Tag Fabian. Mein Deutsch ist nicht ver gut.
Willkommen Fabian. Genial Kartoffelsalat Kuh Hundebuch atemberaubenden schwing Nieren!

My German is a little rusty.
Welcome. You share your name with a great comics writer, Fabian Nicieza, which is cool.
(08-22-2014, 01:38 AM)Fabian Wrote: Hello everybody. My name is Fabian (Obvious). Just to briefly introduce myself, I guess my main game to play is Pokemon. I'm a big football fan. Loved that Germany won the World cup! I'm 20 and yeah.. if you want to know more, feel free to ask!

How long do you plan on staying 20 for son?
Why do you use Fabian as an username and don't have a real one? (At least it's not "Footballchampion2014".)

I have no idea why I never did this earlier... Anyways, my names Carlos, but I bet you can just guess that. I am 15, I'm from the US, and I really like Nintendo games. especially Platformers. Also, I don't really like sports such as Baseball, Football, Soccer, and a few others. I don't know why, but I'm just not intrested in them. I'm a bit shy, but just a bit. Well, that's all I got. Might add more to this later, but oh well. That's all I got to say. Or atleast for now, that is.
Hello everyone! :D
(08-26-2014, 12:41 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: Hello everyone! :D

I thought you were introducing yourself. I need to sleep.
I have returned! Hi, Raiden Blackwood here. After months of inactivity dues to horrible internet connection and a very recent move, I have come back to my internet home. Plus, I forgot my login info and can't access the email I used back in the day. Haha. So, a new profile seemed right. It goes with my newly changed life. :)

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