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(03-16-2013, 11:19 PM)cingchris Wrote: MexicanAnime, berry, and Arjahn, welcome back!

Hi,CingChris,it's been a long time,like a day ago,i remember seeing a post you made in DYKG forum,now we cross paths again. :P
(03-16-2013, 11:19 PM)cingchris Wrote: MexicanAnime, berry, and Arjahn, welcome back!

I told you never to call me that Chris.
[Image: 8ZYNp.gif]
Hello there, I'm Enderwoman, but my name IRL is Ruth. I'm 14 years old, from Canada, and I pretty much like Cartoons and lovely time-wasting video games. I couldn't possibly be a bigger fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Megaman and a plethora of other franchises.

I got into gaming when I was around 7, when I got a Game Boy Advance for my birthday, along with Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Since then I got tons of other games and systems.

I also love Minecraft, in case you couldn't tell by my username.
Hey everyone, I'm Ghost Nappa. My real name is Raul Meza Sanchez, I'm a Mexican (Stares at MexicanAnime), I love video games so much that even as a ghost I play them.
(03-17-2013, 12:29 AM)Ghost Nappa Wrote: Hey everyone, I'm Ghost Nappa. My real name is Raul Meza Sanchez, I'm a Mexican (Stares at MexicanAnime), I love video games so much that even as a ghost I play them.

If it makes you feel better, I'm only half as my parents were born in Mexico while I was born in Texas.
(03-17-2013, 12:36 AM)MexicanAnime Wrote:
(03-17-2013, 12:29 AM)Ghost Nappa Wrote: Hey everyone, I'm Ghost Nappa. My real name is Raul Meza Sanchez, I'm a Mexican (Stares at MexicanAnime), I love video games so much that even as a ghost I play them.

If it makes you feel better, I'm only half as my parents were born in Mexico while I was born in Texas.

Well, I was really born in California, Parents in Mexico, but I was hoping for a Mexican rivalry in between us. Not that I don't like you or anything, but just for fun.
Well I have it in my name, so I think I win.
While this two battle it out,this one is secretly plotting to eliminate them so I can be the only Mexican here.

I'm Charlie, 29 tomorrow from London UK, now living in Peterborough.
I ride horses and work as a sales assistant.
My favourite video game is Zool.
I'm getting married in August. :D
I'm just going to say this now. Welcome all new people! It's going to be really nice to have a bigger community (well, I hope so anyways) and you all seem very nice and awesome so far! Nice to meet all of you! <3

I'm going to add more stuff about me. Like I said earlier, I'm 23 years old. I am a male, just so you know. Don't get all scared, please. My favorite color is actually pink. I started gaming when I was about 3 or 4... or whenever I got my little hands on a controller. My first consoles were the NES, SNES and Genesis and Playstation. I ended up getting an N64 for christmas and I was super excited (not as excited as that one kid). The N64 I got was green and it came with Donkey Kong 64. Loved that game so much. Rare became one of my favorite childhood developers. Now... they suck.
I'm Bryan. I'm 24, and I'm a prospective animation student. I have experience with iOS development, and I'm hoping to teach myself android development some time as well. I was born in Oklahoma, but live in Texas in the DFW area.

I like anime and manga, as well as American comics and animation. I tend to play a lot of JRPGs and action games. I don't play EVERY first person shooter, but I play them every once in a while. I love handheld systems, and I pretty much play my 3DS every day. I posted my friend code in the gamertag thread, so send me a PM if you want to be added as a friend.

I like to play import games. I have a Japanese Famicom, and adapters for the SNES, N64, and Sega Saturn. I love watching Game Center CX, and I'm always on the lookout for gems that never made it to the USA.
Hello new friend! I am a Texan of the 17th year, am slightly confused by this transition and new text box format, and hope to see this community do as well as DYKG did. I am an autistic gun loving Texan who has a thing for games so be ready for me.
Hello everyone!
I'm a member from tSR. I hope to help add new content and help the site grow.
Hey everyone, I'm BlitzMcKrieg.
Or just Blitz. Or Chris, if you want.

I'm a Psychology/Education major at Oregon State, and a long time gamer. Hope to get along with you all.
Salutations, I assume most of you know me from the old site, but if you don't, a little introduction won't hurt.

My name is donte the demon killer retrolinkx, but you can call me Retro. I'm 17 years young, and I live in England. I grew up in London, not going outside due to growing up in London, and instead playing vidya all day.

The moment I knew I was a gamer, was I stayed up all night to play the Dreamcast, oh and it was a school night, oh and I was 4 years old, I'll still do this today, if it wasn't for school being important anymore.

I joined the old DYKG to contribute information, I'd like to think if I never joined, a lot of information on there, probably wouldn't be on there, and I still hope to contribute to this site as I did before.

It's great to see new people, it'll take me some time to get to know you, but it's nice to know we still have some of our old members, especially the mods, those guys are awesome.

Hope you guys stay around for a long time.

Also, with a new forum, comes a new avatar. Anyone like it, or should I go back to this?

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