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“You’re all being played by Sony" - Cliff Bleszinski
“You’re all being played”: Bleszinski slams Sony’s lack of used game blockers as a PR tactic

Former Epic Games designer Cliff Bleszinski has been on something of a Twitter crusade lately, stating that the used games and AAA markets cannot co-exist while big budget games cost so much to make. Bleszinski has now suggested that Sony does have anti-used measures up its sleeve, and is using outrage over Microsoft’s Xbox One policies as a free PR tactic.

Before venturing further, you can play catch-up on Bleszinski’s series of tweets regarding triple-a production and used games here.

Now, the designer has suggested on Twitter that given the cost of blockbuster games, Sony simply must have a similar strategy to Microsoft’s in the works:

"You cannot have game and marketing budgets this high while also having used and rental games existing. The numbers do NOT work people."

"I'd bet Sony has some similar stuff up their sleeves they're just playing on the internet outrage for free PR. You're all being played!"

I also thought this one was pretty fun:

"Sony just bought us dinner."

Over to you folks: is Sony playing us all for chumps or can they really afford to keep used games and still produce expensive triple-a blockbusters without issue?

CliffyB is just paranoid about having another Gears of War PC debacle and pirates. (Mostly pirates)

That and I'm almost sure that most of the products he has done work on was Xbox exclusive.
I absolutely LOVE Cliff Bleszinski's work. From Unreal Tournament to the incredible Shadow Complex to the grade-SSS Gears of War series, but damn is he a fuckin' muppet with some of the crap he says.

He addressed the fighting game scene last year when everyone flipped the table over Capcom locking over a third of the games content. Yet defended Capcom.

He supports companies that have the online pass

thinks Season Passes are good idea and need I remind anyone, Gears 3 was guilty of a Seasons Pass, day1-DLC, disk locked content and bullshit Microtransactions up the arse(all on the disc). Then when us gamers call him out on it, his response is pretty much "deal with it".

Calling out gamers who took the piss out of the recent Feminism vs Tropes despite the fact the video featured Anya Stroud who is farm from a DiD and support Anitas bullcrap case/points.

Plus the two recent E3 statements(including this) and many more I can't be bothered to dig up. Dude Huge was a personal inspiration for me until he started to come out with all this anti-consumer/shitty attitude over the last twoish years.

Jimquistions point on game budgets is well worth watching.
is Sony playing us all for chumps or can they really afford to keep used games and still produce expensive triple-a blockbusters without issue?

Yes if they aren't silly kids about their budgeting.

(Skip to 1:36 for the main point of the video)
Reggie knows what's up.

I don't know exactly who or what he does, but from what you have posted it seems like he's being a hardcore fanboy for XBone.
Eh, maybe we are and maybe we're not, I'm just gonna stick it out on my PC and Wii U and see how the consoles settle, then I'll probably pick up a PS4 with a copy of The Division if neither the console or the game manage to screw up.
(06-18-2013, 02:12 PM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote: I don't know exactly who or what he does, but from what you have posted it seems like he's being a hardcore fanboy for XBone.

He (unfortunately) has become Microsofts unofficial PR fanboy. I suspect he's trying to move into the position of Adam Orth by doing nothing but promoting their obvious BS actions*tightens tin foil hat*. Talented game designer that has gone nuts over the last 2 years (since Gears 3s launch). So stupid.
Oh CliffyB, you used to be my hero. Why have you been doing this lately? He's the whole reason I've wanted to get into games too.
Seeing as neither the PS4 nor Xbone are out yet we, the consumers, can't come up with any form of an answer to sway or convince others to buy a console.

I think Sessler has the right idea.

Regardless I am still preordering the PS4 with Watch Dogs. Yes that makes me a hypocrite but I have been a Sony fan so far and I trust them on the PS4. And if not well then I am a fool and never should I fall from my PC.
I haven't really heard of Cliff Bleszinski until a few months ago and this guy seems like a total wack job.

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