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LEGO Universe References
LU referenced a TON of LEGO material, from early sets like Blacktron and Futuron to Minifigures like Jonny Thunder

But did you know that the demised MMO referenced an earlier LEGO Video game?

In the game you were able to receive a shirt named a 'Retro Daredevil Shirt' it was red with a blue and white stripe, two pockets, and two white stars on it's left side
[Image: Item_150_8617_488e337d6cd35d002dcdbcdec62cd6bc.png]
Since that image is kinda small, here's a much better image of it on a player
[Image: BrokenSqueakyHammer.jpg]

Now the shirt isn't called Retro for nothing, as all the way back in the LEGO Racers games, there was a character named Scooter, who wore a red shirt with a blue and white stripe, two pockets and two white stars on it's left side

Sound familiar?
[Image: Scooter1.PNG]

It's kinda nice how the developers hid something like this that possibly only older players would get
No chance that they're both based on an actual piece of Lego?
A LEGO collector friend of mine says that he's never seen a body like that before, but he can't say for sure.
If it's unfamiliar to a collector then it's probably a reference.

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