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Pokemon Thread!
Exeggutor, Typhlosion, Crobat, Milotic, Gengar, Umbreon
(09-08-2013, 10:36 PM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote: I can't remember if anyone has asked this yet, but what are your favorite Pokemon?

According to what pokemans seem to reside on my team for most of the time, I'd say Magneton and Skarmory. Oh man, please let Skarmory have a Mega Evolution... I also like Scyther and Lugia a lot.
Mew is my favorite, than the 4th generation. All of it.
(09-08-2013, 10:36 PM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote: I can't remember if anyone has asked this yet, but what are your favorite Pokemon?
My favorites tend to be Fire or Electric type Pokemon. A few of my favorites are Cyndaquil-Typhlosion, Raikou, Entei, Electabuzz, Gastly-Gengar, and Spheal-Walrein.

Type for me would be ghost. My three favorites are Bellsprout, Wartortle and Chandelure though. I think gen 6 is shaping up to be something incredibly interesting though. Probably gonna get a few a favorites out of it.
Excadrill, Kabutops, Jolteon, Victini, Hydreigon, Metagross, Rayqauaza, Lucario.

Although overall my favourite typing is Fighting.
I forgot to mention.
GAME(UK) and Gamestop(dunno about other American and European retailers) are giving away a promotional Pokemon(BLACK 1/2 and White 1/2 ONLY!).
At the moment it's a Shiny Dialga.

Full details here
So much new news! Let's get this sucker rolling!

Holy cow, I don't even know where to start.

First off, it seems the fire's second evolution knows Psyshock, so there's more backup for the theory that the final evolution will be a psychic. Granted, the fact that it stands on both of his/her legs will lead many people to still think it's a fighting type.

Frog looks dope. I'm loving his second evolution.

The grass's starter was not something I'd expect. Makes me more curious to what it will exactly evolve into for its third stage.

New Metwo mega evolution huh? So it turns out that the new one is going to be exclusive to X while the one that was first shown while back is going to be exclusive to Y. Looking back at both of them ,they look like Dragon Ball Z characters or such.

Garchomp has a mega? Have to say, I quite like how it looks.

As for the new Pokemon, I quite like how they look. I'm mostly looking forward to the two fossil Pokemon as they look like they're going to be quite fun.

"Fairy is Super Effective on Fighting, Dark and Dragon and not effective on Fire, Poison or Steel. It also states that it is weak to Poison and Steel while resists Fighting, Dark and Bug. It is immune to Dragon"

Considering that Poison and Steel types aren't that strong against others types compared to a few others, makes sense.

" According to the leaker, Steel has lost its resistance to Dark and Ghost. Like the rest of this information this is unconfirmed until we get a picture"

Hmm, not so sure about this. Seems Steel isn't going to be as defensive as it was before if this is the case.

If you want to see images and such, go to -
(09-11-2013, 10:30 AM)MexicanAnime Wrote: New Metwo mega evolution huh? So it turns out that the new one is going to be exclusive to X while the one that was first shown while back is going to be exclusive to Y.

Oh, thank goodness. I'm going to get Y and the Mewtwo evolution revealed for that looks way cooler.
Chespin's second form is Crash Bandicoot in a nutshell, literally.

Froakie is a ninja.
[Image: corocoro9134th.jpg]
INB4 Broken Tier.
So, what are the black fox things in the bottom left of

[Image: corocoro9137th.jpg]
(09-11-2013, 07:27 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: So, what are the black fox things in the bottom left of

[Image: corocoro9137th.jpg]

They are kind of like the new Nidoran, but they have a few gender based differences. The name is Nyaonikusu. Here is the page that shows their differences.
Finally got that shiny Dialgaaa

Oh and thirty more days people.
Just noticed, the Fennekin evo has a stick in its tail, kind of looks like a broom that way.

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