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The Walking Thread (SPOILERS!!)
Definitely don't want to do that, then. I think AMC's website only plays the previous 5 episodes.
The first three seasons (I think) are on Netflix in America.
I definitely did not see that coming.
Goodbye Beth :-(
I want everyone to watch this before reading my spoiler.

Kirkman is such a fuckass, especially when it comes to strong female characters. I am so scared for Carol because of him.

Here is something I wrote on a The Walking Dead page I made on facebook (feel free to join):

This episode was really fucked. One, for the obvious reason- Beth. Second, the non obvious.
They has two plans to go into that hospital. The Trade, and The Shoot Em Up.
The Shoot Em Up would have obviously saved Beth. However, that would have most likely killed a number of others in the hospital. And, as we saw at the end of the episode, all the others left (after Dawn) were good.
So, either way, good people were going to die. As fans, we are connected to the characters we've seen grow, and even new ones (Noah) that have been accepted into our family. So, while we do have that emotional connection to Beth, and she was a good person, the others were good people too. We just didn't know them.

So basically, with either plan, good people were going to die, all because of Dawn.
I'm scared for Carol, too. She died a long time ago in the comics, didn't she? Beth did, too, I think. So..... I don't think Kirkman will eventually implement everything that's in the comics, such as Rick losing his right hand, maybe Carl will not be shot in the eye. I'm waiting to see how long Glenn lasts, though. Maggie is broke now. I think she'll be broke more, but we will see her rise up stronger than she was. Interesting. Yet, sad.
When Glenn dies, I doubt I'll have any more reason to watch The Walking dead, or it'll be a Moffat Doctor Who situation where I don't like it and laugh at the terrible writing.

As for Beth, I didn't feel much for her death, but I did feel for Maggey, she comes this far and then when they finally get Beth, she dies from something stupid. She should've just slapped her, that's what should've happened really.

Also, that sniper shot was stupid. Rick could've easily said "Hey, behind you, a walker" and one of them would've killed it but instead they shot it from the rooftop which could've brought some suspicion upon them.

Still, not a bad mid season finale.

Still waiting on a season set in Winter and possibly a
(12-01-2014, 01:09 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Also, that sniper shot was stupid. Rick could've easily said "Hey, behind you, a walker" and one of them would've killed it but instead they shot it from the rooftop which could've brought some suspicion upon them.

I don't think it would brought too much suspicion. It was more of a way of saying "my guys are ready to kill you, you're outnumbered, if you do anything stupid". This is right after the cop asked where his people were and Rick said they were close. It was more of an intimidation tactic.

I agree with you on the Magee part, though. She went from being told her sister is alive to seeing her dead when she arrived. Sad day.
Welp, that was a surprising finale. Did anyone catch the post-credits scene?

On an unrelated note, my friend pisses me off to no end. He keeps insisting Shane and the Governor have been the best characters in the series thus far.
Yeah, makes me wonder when Morgan will catch up. Shouldn't be long.
(12-01-2014, 02:54 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote:
(12-01-2014, 01:09 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Also, that sniper shot was stupid. Rick could've easily said "Hey, behind you, a walker" and one of them would've killed it but instead they shot it from the rooftop which could've brought some suspicion upon them.

I don't think it would brought too much suspicion. It was more of a way of saying "my guys are ready to kill you, you're outnumbered, if you do anything stupid". This is right after the cop asked where his people were and Rick said they were close. It was more of an intimidation tactic.

Oh did that happen? I must've completely fazed out there. Thanks.
I LOVE the little shots of Morgan they're giving us!
[size=small]]The Walking Dead has agreed to bring Beth back.

Ummmmm...... How about we don't. This just seems like a cock tease for a bunch of reasons. If Beth comes back to life FROM A F#CKING HOLE IN THE HEAD then we would demands for Amy, Lori, Shane, and Andra to come back among others.
God I really hope this is not a thing. We don't need dead characters back just because people can't deal with it.
(12-14-2014, 01:50 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: [size=small]]The Walking Dead has agreed to bring Beth back.

Ummmmm...... How about we don't. This just seems like a cock tease for a bunch of reasons. If Beth comes back to life FROM A F#CKING HOLE IN THE HEAD then we would demands for Amy, Lori, Shane, and Andra to come back among others.

That is a satire website.

Nothing on that site is true.

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