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The Walking Thread (SPOILERS!!)
(11-30-2015, 07:46 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: I'm really not happy with the episode. I do think that it was good, but it was not midseason finale worthy. It's missing the cliff hanger punch that the others have, such as Sophia being in the barn in season 2 or Merle and Daryl  in the walker pit in season 3. The only real big punch that the episode had was the kid trying to get his mom's atenchen, when she just told him not 5 minites ago to stay quiet. Man, I don't like kids on this show.

At lest Deanna was able to go out like a badass. She may have been a red shirt, but unlike all of the other red shirts, she was a well writen and well liked, to the point that I was tearing up when she was on screen.

Okay, this is gonna sound mean (like, I feel bad for saying this kind of mean). But maybe, just maybe, Negan will refrain from killing Glenn and kill that annoying kid.

P.S. - I've not read the comics and have no idea if that kid is even in the comics or what to expect, except I know Negan kills Glenn with Lucille in the comics
(12-01-2015, 03:17 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I've not read the comics and have no idea if that kid is even in the comics or what to expect, except I know Negan kills Glenn with Lucille in the comics

The short answer is no.
Okay, so I have to read the comics to really get good comparisons. Plus, my younger daughter found two volumes of The Walking Dead comics at our local library and had to show me. 7 years old (at the time) and found The Walking Dead comics thinking of me. I figured she'd have no interest at looking for books out of the kids section. That really touched my heart.
I feel like instead of leaving us with a big cliffhanger like we're used to, it left us with a lot of little cliffhangers. Rock's group walking through the horde. Denise getting taken away by the Wolf. Morgan and Carol both knocked out. Maggie on top of that thing surrounded by walkers. Our group has survived things like this before, but how will these things play out now that the Alexandrian's are involved? Also, I'm sad that Deanna was killed off, but i'm so happy they took her out like a true badass.
(12-02-2015, 08:46 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: Rock's group walking through the horde.

I'd follow this man through a zombie horde.
[Image: Dwayne-Johnson.jpg]
Oh damn, did I not blog about the three previouis episode.

Well all I can remember was that bitch boy was 100% going to try and kill Carl. I mean, every fucking time Carl spoke while Rick was teaching him how to use a gun, he fucking gave him a "shut the fuck up im gonna kill you" eye that no one saw for some reason.

I did like how Carl is now starting to act more like his father. I assume in a similar situation where he needs to ask someone for a gun, he'd act the same way.

As for Deanna, it was a shame. She was a good character, a strong leader that linked Alexandria to Rick's group. She believed in both, and was a link that kept them together. With her gone, and Rick going to take leadership, it's hard to say what Alexandria might become.

As much as I understand Morgan wanting to kill the Wolf guy there, he was a fucking idiot for doing so. His whole "hurr durr people can change" routine is understandable, but very very stupid in a time like that. Both Carol and Morgan should've just settled this later, it shouldn't have gone down like it did, and at the same time. There were multiple openings to rush the Wolf guy while she held Denise (like when he picked up the gun for example, if all both of the girls charged him, they could've over powered him or at least shot/stabbed him., or when he opened the door if Denise pushed backwards as he faced the gun the other way he would've either dropped it or shot it upwards.)

Also, why didn't they just attack a machete to a large stick and then stab the walkers one by one? They were all piling up on the gate, but killing them one by one would've been good in the long run right? Moving/Burning the bodies may have taken a long time with the amount of walkers they had to kill, but seriously that's what I would've done. Just got everyone to keep stabbing them with a long stick with a machete attached. It would've taken a long time, but it would've been better. Plus, when the clocktower did fall down, the majority of people would be on something high meaning if the walkers did pour in like they did, guess what? They can keep stabbing them in the head while they all crowd around the thing they're atop of.

At least Glenn isn't dead, I guess.
Uh yo guys, just bumping this by saying that The Mid Season Première of The Walking Dead happened.

I didn't even know, it felt like there was still a whole month until it came out. But yeah it happened.

Just bumping so people who don't know, know. Cause I didn't.

The season 6 mid-season premiere is, in my opinion, one of the best episodes yet.
Okay guys, let's go over how to not die in the Walking Dead.

1) Be Rick Grimes/Glenn/Daryl
2) Don't be stupid, do stupid things, act stupid. In general, follow whatever Rick is doing and you should be fine.
3) Don't be a kid
4) Don't feel compassion for anyone around you unless you know their first name.
5) Don't stand still while in proximity of Walkers.

Is that about it?

Anyhow, I enjoyed this episode.

The start with the bikers was confusing since it seemed like I missed out on someone being introduced, but once Daryl destroyed them with the RPG and they were no longer an element of the story made me just not care. I did laugh when I just saw a massive explosion and then the camera going onto Daryl with an RPG.

The wolf guy was interesting. It's funny last season I wanted them to kill him there and then, then this episode when he was trying to help the woman and I wanted to see what he does with her, he gets bit and shot around 20 minutes in. Basically making his character, the beef between Morgan and Carol and the whole "people can change" routine kind of stupid since it never worked out in the end, and what we all expected happened.

Now, the kid getting bit. I didn't expect that to happen right away. I thought he was going to cry and scream and then get bit. The woman getting bit was also a surprise since it seemed really weird that she was INSTANTLY bit while she stayed pretty much a "zombie". Now, the bitch boy pulling a gun out was interesting. Honestly for it to happen right there was really stupid, but I will admit the quickness of Michonne and the shot that hit Carl's eye were something that I didn't expect and honestly, don't mind. It should be interesting to see how this is going to go.

Seeing Rick go outside and start taking them all on was pretty cool, and seeing the whole of Alexandria help out too was interesting and unique as well. Hell even Eugene and Gabriel helped out. Now that's some improvement for those characters.

All in all, good start to the mid season. Here's hoping they actually stay this smart for the remainder.
(02-16-2016, 06:38 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: Here's hoping they actually stay this smart for the remainder.

This is Walking Dead. Of course they won't.
Of course, how silly of me.

Thanks for reminding me that I don't even know why I watch this show anymore.
[Image: 12717336_1059475324090902_11525793902611...e=5731DBBA]
I have absolutely LOVED the last two episodes.

The mid season premier is my favorite episode of the series so far. So much happened, but it flowed so well. I loved the way everything went down. From the Wolf becoming more human right before his death, to how Jessie and her family were killed off, to Carl's eye. I feel everything worked so well. My favorite was when Rick went out there and just went nuts. Then Michonne followed. The one by one, everyone else. I loved how they brought everyone together to fight. Everyone stepped up- the Alexandrians, Eugene, Father Gabriel. Everyone. The camera work was great too. It brought it all together. I just can't get over how amazing this episode was.

I also loved the most recent episode. It wasn't too action packed. It wasn't too sad. It wasn't too slow. It was a nice change of pace. And it was funny. I feel like as fans of this show, and after all we have been through, we deserve a little laughter. Jesus brought that. He cracked my ass up when he rolled off the top of the truck and Daryl and Rick chased him around that field. I think he's hilarious. I hope he's a good guy and he lasts a long, long time. I was also happy to see Spencer get closure with Deanna. I love how Carl brought her to him in the woods. Carl went through something no one can quite fully understand, but Spencer is the closest to that now.

If anyone is interested, we have a The Walking Dead group on facebook. You're all welcome to join.
I love how the minute I saw Rick and Daryl in that car I not only thought ROAD TRIP but also that there should be some dank tunes playing on the radio.

Rick did not disappoint. I do enjoy the friendship between those two though. From what I gather they're both on the opposite ends of the spectrum in their previous lives. Rick was a Sheriff and Daryl seemed to be a criminal, yet they get along really well when they have to.

It seems that stupidity is still rife in this universe. Why Rick decided to park the truck at all confuses me, he could've just went up to the walkers in the truck and started beeping to make some noise. The Walkers wouldn't care for Daryl and my man there fighting and instead would've gone towards Rick since they usually care more for sound.

Oh, and that kiss tho'

Still, not a bad episode.
My DVR must have started recording another program because that latest episode was only recorded to when Daryl started dragging Jesus' body. Sad face.

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