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The Walking Thread (SPOILERS!!)
(11-22-2016, 11:21 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: Ofcom is investigating the season 7 premier for being too violent Ofcom is part of the BBC, correct?

Ofcom is the British communications (and therein TV) police, who essentially say what is acceptable or not on TV.
They usually make the news when people write them letters because they saw a willy on the telly.
So am I the only person still watching The Walking Dead or what?

Latest episode was pretty tense, and I'm happy with how it ended. The Revolver was a good touch, it really showed that Rick was ready and willing to fight now that he had it back. While it was gone he was a different man, but he tried it Negan's way and it hasn't worked out.

I'm still going on Rick bringing together The Hilltop, The Kingdom, Alexandria, and possibly that other stray community we saw to take down Negan. I'd say the savior's numbers are in the 1000's and their firepower is unmatched, but I'm sure with time and effort they can successfully defeat them, possibly using Walkers in their fight. Just imagine that, if they brought those hundreds of Walkers they drove away to come back and drive all the way up to Negan's compound and then attack from the south they could really fuck some shit up.

I like Negan as a character and can't wait for him to die, everything he does is just building up and up and I really can't wait for the climax. I'm hoping it'll only take another Season if that. I really don't want this fight to take 3 years or so with mid season cliffhangers switching the balance between Negan and Rick.
I've been watching, but I haven't enjoyed it; the season opener was awesome and disturbing and really set the tone for the rest of the season, but the rest just kinda...*makes a fart sound*.
Maybe when we see the back story for Negan, and I'm betting that will happen in the mid-season opener or following directly after, maybe I can watch it and be torn between perspectives from both sides OR maybe I'll understand why Negan is Negan and see Rick as the douchebag.
I have faithfully watched every episode, but I'm tired of seeing an immature, 45 year old high school bully. Negan should have struck fear into everyone, but instead turned Rick into a puss and pissed everyone else off. I'll have to wait and see how it all turns out to truly enjoy it.

I am curious about one thing, though: are those boots worn by Whisperers or are they from the all woman colony?
So has everyone just stopped watching the Walking Dead like I predicted when best character died?

Also, how did the latest episode end? Mine ends abruptly with Spoiler:Rick getting shot and kicked off the stand and the videos I find online seem to end there.
^ I moved out of my parents house in December and have Netflix now. I'm not sure how long after the season is over before Netflix gets it.

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