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Opinion on Girl Gamers
I am sorry if this is in the wrong section, however this does have something to do with games, just games as a whole.

Long story short, I am doing a course in Game Design and in the creative thinking class, I have been given an assignment to find a social problem and make a poster, clip, game, or anything about it, and I have chosen Girl Gamers. This is just a quick survey, and I once again apologize if this is in the wrong section. Bare with me as I may add questions in the future, but will tally these up by the end of the week.

1) Are you male or female?

2) How often do you play video games?

2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4)

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?

4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)

6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.

That is all the questions I have for now, so I would like to thank anyone who partakes in this, as you will be helping me get 1 step closer to reaching my dream job of a Game Designer. Hopefully by the end of this, a lot more people will understand that females make awesome games as well, and soon shall have a gaming world where no one is treated differently because of their genitalia.

Thank you all :)

EDIT: Added in a question 2.3 and swapped it around with 2.2. When answering, please include the full questions above it.
1) Are you male or female?
2) How often do you play video games?
Nearly every day/ 6 days a week
2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?
2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)
3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4)
3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?
No. Except for that one time
4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)
4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?
That's their choice and they shouldn't be called on it.
5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?
Anything that gives a title of female/gamer [insert hobby title/profession] is archaic and pathetic. There is no title for Female Movie-goer or Female comic book reader so why is there for a female gamer or gamer in general. Segregating each is BS and so are the females that feel proud of such a title.
6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)
Around 10 but they're not "female gamers".
6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)
Casual games?
7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?
There's no such thing as real/hardcore/casual gamers, since there's no such title as real/hardcore/casual TV fans.
8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?
Wait... what?
9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))
Mass Effect being a bad example since the trilogy is based on character development and interaction. Mass Effect also has gay and bi relationships that play out the same regardless of gender, So flirting is perfectly fine and it's nowhere even near constantly. Not to mention there's nothing wrong with females flirting. As for girls dressed in skimpy outfits. So? Being offended by something as trivial as this laughable at best. It's purposefully pointing out the worst of character designs but not acknowledging good character design. Lastly it comes down to what the player makes of it, whether they find it hot or not is their own opinion.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?
Nothing. Games have the freedom of art to allow creators to express themselves in anyway that they want and shouldn't come under political correctness. Nothing needs to be "fixed"
10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.
Make questions that aren't based on assumptions.
Sorry if you saw these as based on assumptions, but its the first step that we had to make before searching anything. Casual gamers is the term people give those who play iphone/social media games, so things that they may play from time to time, but have no real story. Also, with question 3, it was a simple question based around the fact that some people do play is the opposite gender (girls play as boys, boys play as girls)
(08-02-2013, 01:05 AM)PheonixGRX Wrote: I have been given an assignment to find a social problem and make a poster, clip, game, or anything about it, and I have chosen Girl Gamers.

1) Are you male or female?

2) How often do you play video games?
All the friggin' time, dood. Basically whenever I'm not at work or sleeping.

2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)
Nowadays? None, really.

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4)
While I don't play games online anymore, I have so I'll still answer this one if that's all right. If there are preset characters, like in L4D, I choose female just for the kicks. If you can create the character yourself, I choose male.

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?

4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)
Never done anything of the kind.

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?
Attention whores.

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?
Generally positive, though I do think there's a difference between the two.
[Image: GurlGamer-GamerGirl.jpg]

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)
How many female users are on this site? Personally I know one but it's generally hard to find any in Finland where it's still the 70s when it comes to how people see gaming.

6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)
Thankfully, I know of none.

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?
Depends. If you only casually play games or just generally play "casual" games, then sure, you're a gamer. If the only game you ever do play is Angry Birds, then no, you are definitely not a real gamer.

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?
Unisex ftw. Why divide people into groups?

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))
I would prefer it if less armor didn't mean better stats for female characters. Just... Keep it real, yo. Then again, it's up to the developers what they do, I ain't gonna complain about boobs on my monitor.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?
Just look at Remember Me, Mirror's Edge and the new Tomb Raider. Things can be done right, guys.

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.
Girl gamers rule! I say this in fear of them pummeling me to death with controllers if I say otherwise.
Agh, Reading.

1) Are you male or female?

2) How often do you play video games?
2) ~No Life Mode Engaged~

2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?
2-2) Exploration games like Fallout, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed 2, Zelda 1, Etc.

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)
2-3) Depends on game. Since my most recent play through was Dark Souls, I would have to say I was online about half the time.

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why?
3) Mainly speaking for games like Fallout/ElderScrolls, but I play a guy the first time, then my second playthrough I'm a girl to see the differences in Dialouge and stuff.

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?
3-2) I try to get freebies as a guy :3. But most of the time jokingly

4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)

4) As long as their helping me/trying to kill me, it doesn't matter what gender they are.

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?
4-2) I usually don't like beggars, but I'd usually give them the lowest currency/weakest
items, just cause I don't have anything to do with them.

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?
5) "Oh, she plays games? Invite her over for some Mario Party."

6) How many female gamers do you know?
6) 4 or 5, but I wouldn't call them "gamers" ( go to ~7~ for why)

6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers?
6-2) Only one that I know of doesn't like long-term games (Last awhile), so I guess just her.

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?
7) I consider Gamers as people who make gaming BIG. (Emphasis :3) People who go on to play at a bunch of contests, try to 100% as many games as they can, people who devote all of their time to finding every little thing in games. Their isn't many I wonder consider "Gamers"

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?
8) Games for girl's only would be cutting into Game Profits by at least 50%, maybe more, so Games would continue to be for both genders. But I think that it should be whoever want's to play the game can. I've played Monster High on DS. I ain't ashamed.

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))
9)I Dunno. Doesn't come up to often in games I play.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?
9-2) Less I guess?

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.
10) All people who play games are the same to me. Gender doesn't matter.
1) Are you male or female?
2) How often do you play video games?
Every second since I emerged from the womb.
2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?
2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)
Eh, 2-4 hours per day?
3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4)
Um, is the Pyro female? I really don't care about the character's gender unless it affect gameplay.
3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?
Nope, I aint no 'ho.
4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)
No, do people actually do this shit? This seems like something a few twelve year olds playing Runescape or some shit would do.
4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?
Filthy Ho! Nah just kidding, If desperate guys feel like giving stuff to them, go ahead, I really don't care.
5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?
It's a stupid term, I don't call myself a "Guy Gamer", you're just a Gamer, regardless of gender. Unless you do want some kind of special treatment, I'd stay as far away from the term as possible. Also, Gamer is a stupid term (see question 7)
6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)
6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)
7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?
I think Gamer is sort of a stupid term, if you like playing videogames in any capacity, good for you. Having a ranking system for this shit is pointless and only serves to cause separation.
8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?
Unisex all the way, any attempt at making a "girls only" game will either be covered in little girl cliches (Barbie can ride the pink unicorn all the way over the rainbow to Fashion design camp!) or porn games, and porn games are never good except for Duke Nukem.

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))
In moderation it can be ok, like in Mass Effect where it's more of just a case of sexual tension, which actually happens, but the skimpy armor being best in MMOs and stuff is just stupid.
9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?
Having completely customizable armor be standard in MMORPGs. For example, if you find a chestplate that has great stats, you can make it look however you like (to an extent). This would let players who want to wear skimpy armor wear skimpy armor and those who want some actual armor to wear actual armor. Win-Win.
10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.

This whole "topic" is still really baffling to me, just the fact that it is an actual topic. To be blunt about it, who gives a shit if you're a girl who plays videogames? I'm still astounded that people actually bully girl gamers for something so simple. Just stop bickering like six year olds and go back to killing eachother like civilized adults.

Also, don't call it a "problem", my house has a roach problem, the world does not have a 'Girls who play videogames' problem.
1) Are you male or female?


2) How often do you play video games?

3-7 hours each day

2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?

3rd Person Shooters

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)

1-5 hours

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on
your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male,
skip to question 4)

I usually choose a woman. If I have to stare at an ass for hours on end, it isn't going to be a man ass.

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?

No, who would fall for something so stupid?

4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently
to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them
freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being
kinder to new players)

I murder everyone equally. There is no hate in my killing sprees.

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?

Don't see it as often as you'd think so honestly, I find it shameful but could really care less.

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?

Female that plays games.

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)


6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a
girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)

Casual is such a broad term. I don't like that label, its like the apartheid of gaming.

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?

Why not?

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?

There already is, and it aims at 4 year olds who like pink a little too much. If it sells, then go for it, if it fails, then learn from it.

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female
characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g.
Mass Effect))

If it gets in the way of the actual gameplay, its annoying but if not see question 3 for my take on dat ass.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?

Less over hype about this stuff. It really isn't a problem.

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.

The division created between the genders has been purely superficial for years. It fosters strength from the young trolls trying to rile up their opponents, with gender being an obvious target, and led to an entire group dedicated to defending and changing an entire industry in interest of women, which by itself is fine, there's no way in hell they'd change it drastically, more likely just egging on their own place, but then there are those who took the situation and manipulated it, not making it an issue about trolls and ignorance, but an issue with gender itself and gender roles, often times creating and assuming new roles for women and men that were never intended or aren't necessarily bad. This industry is just as kind to men as it is to women. It doesn't like either of them unless they draw a prophet. If this were a real issue, then there'd be no female developers. There'd be no games like Portal. There would be no argument because there wouldn't be another side to argue with. So, to sum it up, it is only an issue if you make it one.
Speaking of Girl Gamers, How many are on this site? Out of the 10 (give or take) I see regularly on here and know by name, I can think of two that are chicks (Cuccos and Hex). It's more of a male thing when looking at it from society, but I hate society so screw them. Another thing, what do you call a gamer who is black? Do you call them Black Gamers? What do I call gamers who are white? Do you call them White Gamers? Why do you give labels to things that don't need them. I already think racism and sexism are dumb, why do I need to deal with it in my hobby?
1) Are you male or female?

2) How often do you play video games?

2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?
MMO, RPG, Moba, RTS, Point and Click.

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on
your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male,
skip to question 4)
Only play male unless forced to. Why? I do not enjoy playing a female toon because chances are other toons will probably start hitting on me and it would creep me out.

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?

4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently
to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them
freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being
kinder to new players)

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?
A female who either enjoys gaming, video game wise or board/card game wise, also it does sound sexist because guys are not considered 'gamer guys' so it seems wrong to call females 'gamer girls' or whatever.

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)

6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a
girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)
1 to 3 of them I believe are casual but can also go hardcore.

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?
Sure they are, whether they enjoy the game for the level design, the characters, the music, the atmosphere; they are all gamers because they would still like to play the game for whatever aspect of the game that may be.

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?
To be honest? I really could care less if there are or not. I mean this is similar, to me, to the question of if girls who play video games should be called 'gamer girls.' I mean I know there are games that are more geared towards men but that would not neccesarily mean that they are only for guys. So I do not think that there should be but then again there is nothing wrong with a game that is not as violent and might have other aspects that would lean more towards girls.

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female
characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g.
Mass Effect))
I mean I guess it makes the game more 'realistic' when the characters CAN flirt and interact with each other but the skimpy outfits in games are getting pretty out of hand. I mean, games should not appeal to men because of pixle boobs, but because the game is FUN.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?
Reduce the amount of skimpy clothes to maybe one or two outfits that can't be worn on the battlefield and the rest, if any, should be used during the calmer parts of the game where action can't happen.

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.

Sorry, I have nothing else to add. Sort of brain dead at the moment.
1) Are you male or female?
Let me take off my pants here real quick and check...

Yep, I'm Male.
2) How often do you play video games?
Every day.
2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?
Racing and RPGs
2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)
Very little

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4)

Only online game I have spent a large amount of time playing was Armagetron Advanced, which didn't have gender, because lightcycles are genderless.

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?

I LIKE POTATOES!!! Nope, never have.

4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)

Heck no. First SSBB tournament I played in I three stocked this girl that was playing as Peach WITH FREAKING MARIO. Take a look at the tier list. That should never happen.

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?

They are arrogent to do so, and I simply ignore people asking for free stuff without anything in return, regardless of gender. WORK FOR IT!

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?

A bunch of really sexist men that are just afraid and came up with a sexist term.

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)

Quite a few.

6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)

Considering I've played to and lost to female gamers in tournaments, and the video game club I was in in college had a female officer (she was the Treasurer) that would school us all if we ever tried to play Halo, I say NO.

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?

I don't like the term "casual" gaming. I'm not sure that it is very well defined.

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?

There already is that market in place. No, not in the game's design, but in the marketing. The world of advertising is a twisted mess that should be untangled, and much of the sexist generalizations removed.

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))

It's very stupid. Plain and simple.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?

Not very much. Sex sells, and video games are a business. Re-wire the human brain, maybe?

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.

1) Are you male or female?


2) How often do you play video games?

Just about everyday.

2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?

RPG's and Side-Scrollers

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)

Little to none.

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4)


3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?


4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)

When i do play online game(which is rarely) i treat all equal.

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?

I have no thought on this.

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?

It makes me laugh.

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)

About one.

6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)


7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?

I refuse to believe that there exist a group of "real gamers".

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?

.....It should continue to be a unisex genre?

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))

I have no concrete opinion on this.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?


10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.

1) Are you male or female?


2) How often do you play video games?


2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play?

good games

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5)


3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4)

Both, because sometimes I want to play dress-up, and male characters generally have a crappy range of clothing options.

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players?


4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players)

No, I don't play well with others.

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money?

I don't care.

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'?

I hate memes.

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7)


6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc)

I don't know. I don't care what games they play.

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not?

Who cares?

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre?

Games designed for girls only? What?

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect))

It's stupid.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?

Don't do that

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.

1) Are you male or female? Male

2) How often do you play video games? Every single day

2-2) What genre of games do you prefer to play? I don't like to stick to a specific genre. I enjoy anything that I find fun. Though, mainly it is shooters.

2-3) Within this time, how much of this is spent on online games? (if none, skip to 5) None.

3) Within online games, do you prefer to choose a character based on your gender, or the opposite gender, and why? (if you only play as male, skip to question 4) skip

3-2) When playing as a female, do you use your characters gender to try to get freebies from other players? skip

4) When playing online games, do you treat female characters differently to male characters? If so, then why? (anywhere from giving them freebies to killing them for playing a 'guys game'. This includes being kinder to new players) skip

4-2) What is your general response to females in games that try to use their gender or sexuality for items/equipment/money? skip

5) What is your general thought when hearing the term 'Girl Gamer' or 'Gamer Girl'? Girl gamers are just gamers, who tend to be girls. Gamer Girls are the girls who pretend to be into gaming just to get the D, really.

6) How many female gamers do you know? (if 0, skip to question 7) probably more than 10, but all I can think of right now is 10 people.

6-2) Of the female gamers you know, including yourself if you are a girl, what majority are casual gamers? (social games, iphone games, etc) 4, maybe 5 of them are.

7) Do you think that casual gamers are real gamers, or not? It depends, really. I think, as long as you're playing a game of some sort, and are having fun doing it, you're a gamer no matter what. I think there's another term for a gamer, like hardcore gamer or something, that plays a lot of games to win.

8) Do you think there should be a market of games designed for girls only, or should it continue to be a unisex genre? Unisex. I don't think a single gender should be singled out like that. We're both equal, we should be treated equally.

9) Within games, what is your opinion on the sexualization of female characters? (from skimpy outfits to constant flirting with males (e.g. Mass Effect)) I have no strong opinion one way or the other.

9-2) Using the above as an example, what do you think could be done to fix this?

10) If you have anything else to add, please do so here as it will help the research data.
I'm going to add about 50.
>Social problems
>Girl gamers


...I'll answer the questions later..

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