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The opening of the first two parter felt like they were going with something cool for MLP, but in the end, it just felt like they weren't even trying. And I noticed a mistake. If the mane 6 were managed to run faster without their cutie marks, why didn't they bother trying? I noticed that in the second episode right before the chase began. 
Has anyone been watching Star vs. The Forces of Evil? That show's insane.

(04-12-2015, 02:26 PM)CLXcool Wrote: The opening of the first two parter felt like they were going with something cool for MLP, but in the end, it just felt like they weren't even trying. And I noticed a mistake. If the mane 6 were managed to run faster without their cutie marks, why didn't they bother trying? I noticed that in the second episode right before the chase began. 

I honestly expected them to hit up multiple place and go for a grand adventure for the whole two-parter but nope, got stuck in the village-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned. And yes, I was wondering about that last act too. I mean, yes, your unique powers are gone, but you can still run. It's not like they cut off your limbs, only your butt tattoos. Now, obviously there was little they could have actually done other than trying to kick the crap out of Starlight, but they could have still tried instead of letting ponies they only just met do the job for them.

Back to the whole denied grand adventure, I guess this whole season will be about that. I'm also guessing Starlight will return (possibly for the finale) and the 8 enchanted items they mentioned make an appearance.

The two-parter may have been a bit of a letdown but hey, at least there are still two more movies coming our way.

Btw. I jus spent 50€ for more collected editions of the MLP comics and just got a confirmation that they are sending me Friends Forever 3 first. The weird part is that, unlike vol. 2 (obviously), it isn't even released until tomorrow.
(04-13-2015, 01:31 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Has anyone been watching Star vs. The Forces of Evil? That show's insane.

I'm already loving Star vs the forces of evil. Its an instant favorite on my list of favorite animated tv shows. All the characters are expressive and well animated, and its a fun(i don't think i've had this much fun watching a cartoon from Disney in awhile). I can't wait for the next episode tonight(I do hope that there is one episode where there is a parent teacher conference/dance for the parents, and Star tries to convince her parents to go to it). I have a theory that when Star's parents were once like Star(energetic and outgoing) but decided to stop than to focus on the royalty. An episode where we see that Star's parents enjoying themselves while admitting it to Star can be a good moral that just because you're old, doesn't rule out the matter that you should have fun once in awhile.

(04-13-2015, 01:31 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I honestly expected them to hit up multiple place and go for a grand adventure for the whole two-parter but nope, got stuck in the village-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned. And yes, I was wondering about that last act too. I mean, yes, your unique powers are gone, but you can still run. It's not like they cut off your limbs, only your butt tattoos. Now, obviously there was little they could have actually done other than trying to kick the crap out of Starlight, but they could have still tried instead of letting ponies they only just met do the job for them.
Back to the whole denied grand adventure, I guess this whole season will be about that. I'm also guessing Starlight will return (possibly for the finale) and the 8 enchanted items they mentioned make an appearance.

The two-parter may have been a bit of a letdown but hey, at least there are still two more movies coming our way.
In a case like this. I kinda wonder why Twilight didn't bother contacting(or at least tried) to contact Spike to send a royal SOS message to Princess Celestia. Honestly. If you think about it. Wouldn't this nameless equal village be something Princess Celestia would have looked into with serious matters if she just got word about it? I remember reading somewhere(maybe twitter) that Lauren faust can't look at the show now since its not how she envisioned it as. I know she stated that she didn't plan on making Twilight as a princess. I have a feeling Starlight will return for the finale(her running off shows that we haven't seen the last of her). I know that we're getting a third equestria girls movie(which might be out by this august) and an actual animated MLP movie. So there's that to look forward to.
Gravity Falls is the only other Disney show that's worth watching. Damn the cliffhanger the show was left on in the last episode!

(04-13-2015, 03:49 PM)CLXcool Wrote: In a case like this. I kinda wonder why Twilight didn't bother contacting(or at least tried) to contact Spike to send a royal SOS message to Princess Celestia. Honestly. If you think about it. Wouldn't this nameless equal village be something Princess Celestia would have looked into with serious matters if she just got word about it? I remember reading somewhere(maybe twitter) that Lauren faust can't look at the show now since its not how she envisioned it as. I know she stated that she didn't plan on making Twilight as a princess. I have a feeling Starlight will return for the finale(her running off shows that we haven't seen the last of her). I know that we're getting a third equestria girls movie(which might be out by this august) and an actual animated MLP movie. So there's that to look forward to.

There's a reasonable explanation to that. They weren't sure what was going on the village at first and seemingly only Pinkie was suspicious of them from the very beginning. The moment they realized bad shit was going on they had lost their abilities, so Twilight couldn't have contacted anyone at that point anymore anyway. I swear there was a morale at some point during the previous seasons where she learned she can't always go to Celestia for help. Speaking of, the whole cult was so secluded that I doubt anyone other than the townspeople even knew of it. Celestia's not an all-seeing god, she just happens to have the ability to control the sun (which is kind of terrifying when you think about it).

As for how the series has become, I honestly don't mind. I know some people are flipping their shit over some of the stuff but in the end it really is just a show meant for kids. I kinda prefer the character arc that has been going on that I don't really mind if Faust didn't envision it like this. At least Faust's now working on that one fighting game. Still waiting for them to release anything new, really.
I want to bring this up for a moment....

I WISH THIS MOVIE FREAKING HAPPENED. Honestly. Brad Bird and The Spirit work well together. This would have been a better movie to look at then Frank Miller's insult to the comics. 
Out of all the cartoon reboots as of late, I don't even know anymore.
They had to pick the runt of the litter for reboots? Jesus. I know there are some reboots that are good, but not everything needs the big restart button. 
They're doing the same thing hollywood does when they run out of ideas.
Did anyone else see the old Dennis the Menace of the 90's? The UK version? I just remembered it existed and searched up the intro, and I just had to post about it.

It was pretty ballin' I used to watch it all the damn time, it was too good. Much better than the American counterpart (and I've seen both)

Even watching the intro makes me laugh, especially the bit with the pictures where they changed Dennis' face with Gnasher's and vise versa and they're super confused to who is the culprit behind all these pranks.

Don't ask me why the Dad has a hitler tash, he's had it since day 1 of the comic strip and they haven't got rid of it, probably why an army colonel lives next door to him with ample equipment just in case.

Incidentally, the reboot is kind of disappointing, since Walter (the wimp) is apparently considered to be gay by today's standards (even though, that's never specified and his original design was meant to be a girly wimp) and Dennis can't pick on him like he used to because it's apparently homophobic. I understand where they're coming from (they don't want kids to pick on people who act like walter) but it's just kind of sad that we have to think like this because of today's society.

First episode of this is online, and....its decent??
So Harry Shearer is leaving The Simpsons. Ned Flanders, Principle Skinner, and my favorite character Mr. Burns (among others) will be getting new voices. I don't really care about The Simpsons any more, but I am sad to hear Mr. Burns will be voiceless for some time. That being said Mr. Shearer has been with the show for 26 years and most likely wants to do something more/retire and I can respect that.
They should just end The Simpsons already, its run its course. And if one of the important voice actors is leaving, then that is a sign that it should end. 

Yeah, but I really don't want to see it go. It's something that goes back to the 80's that's still going on, hell I've seen every episode of it and still think it's alright.

If they got up to Season 30 or something, then I feel like it'd be time to truly let go, but until then I'd just hate to see it go.

Hell, out of all the things I watch on TV these days, the Simpsons are a big part of it.
The only way to make The Simpsons go out with a bang is a sequel to The Simpsons movie that can wrap up everything perfectly without having the need to resort to pushing the reboot button.
So I found out that Road Rovers was actually put on DVD. I spazzed pretty hard and now I'm waiting for it to arrive in the mail. The Russian Names song was sadly cut out, but it was by the time I saw it on TV anyway, so I still think it's worth a buy. Been humming the damn theme song ever since.

Oh, and Steven Universe is damn good show. I'm shocked by how much I like it.

Also, Jerry Rees uploaded this on his YouTube and even answered my question!


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