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How do I submit Trivia?
I dont see a button anywhere on the homepage...


Its in the trivia section. If its for a game that's already on the site, you can go onto the game's page and there will be a button there. Same applies to series and game companies.
Alright, thanks for the help.
Anytime friend.
So how long does it usually take for them to respond?
Depends. Could be the same day. Could be tomorrow. Could be next week. You really don't know until they ether post the trivia or give you a rejected PM. I think the longest it took for one of mine was a month or so. Just remember that they are a popular site and get loads of submissions. Just watch your PMs I guess and don't stress to much.
Longest for me was 2 months I think. They mainly go for new games, popular ones, and unarchived games it seems. They get to it all, but they focus on the current demand.
Alright, thanks again.
Actually, we tend to just go in the order in which they're submitted unless we don't have a lot of time at that moment, in which case we go for the easy submissions (either obvious rejections or already good submissions or those which require very little editing).

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