Bee and Puppycat is a seriously hilarious cartoon show made by one of the crew from Adventure Time named Natasha Allegri. She's now having a Kickstarter to make more episodes for her fantastic show:
Here's the first episode:
I heard about Dead Meat from Maxwell. I was wondering when he would do a puppet themed project considering that Billy and Mandy(at times) used puppetry for some of the scenery. Not sure if I should pledge to it though. Dead Meat looks like it would have been better as an animated feature(similar to El Superbeasto) instead of puppets.
Oh. Before I forget. Doug tennapel is trying to do another art book of his sketches.
(01-30-2014, 05:26 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: [ -> ]This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen!
A feature length documentary movie about Vincent Van Gogh animated through actual paintings! Just look at the trailer!
I'm totally getting the fridge magnets.
Is it bad that
was the first thing I thought of?
Reading Rainbow Kickstarter was up for only a day and it reached its $1 million goal and the second day got another million. It has over a month left to raise money and still going up. That is amazing!
(05-29-2014, 04:49 PM)GameWizard001 Wrote: [ -> ]Reading Rainbow Kickstarter was up for only a day and it reached its $1 million goal and the second day got another million. It has over a month left to raise money and still going up. That is amazing!
Hard to believe that it actually succeeded before its deadline.
(05-29-2014, 07:59 PM)frankfrost2 Wrote: [ -> ] (05-22-2014, 03:10 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: [ -> ]Solar FREAKING Roadways!
The best part is they extended the project on Indiegogo for June 20th! :D
Nice. Let's just hope energy conglomerates around the world don't sabotage or otherwise crap on them.