
Full Version: Vidja Game Funnies
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[Image: 1NFdq9f_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]
On the subject of the DMCV TGS trailer.
[Image: jkngeo5jeen11.jpg]

[Image: aa6yk38sxen11.jpg]
[Image: mnjan4kfzjn11.png]

[Image: 880gkgfpgnn11.jpg]
[Image: c131paccolo11.jpg]

[Image: m6yvdu7ayio11.png]
[Image: ypbf8oz80mp11.png]
[Image: gbdZLo3.png]

[Image: 7pbitxg8y6r11.jpg]
I honestly don't know what is better.

Nero's look of confusion because he was called beautiful for no apparent reason by a stranger.


Dante laughing his ass off because he is being told something he already knows.
[Image: 6fqam86td0411.jpg]
Come on Capcom/Atlus, you know you want to make this something official. It would make everything go full circle.


[Image: Dq736rjUcAEyC1W?format=jpg]
[Image: DrIIlNvUwAAtjqD.jpg:large]
In celebration of the new DMC animated show I am going to leave this here.
[Image: pd2sdjaxjsy11.png]

[Image: 6ji20qcmfty11.png]

[Image: diirel3t4sy11.png]
[Image: Qwj4i3Z_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]

[Image: vQVF1Qg_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]
I'm just going to leave this here.

EDIT: I originally posted this on the Free Gaming Thread, but after thinking about it it seemed more fitting here.
[Image: d77.jpg]