Yoshi's are so gorram adorable 9/10
Also I changed mine because I want to be accepted darn it.
Don't like FMA :(
@Arjahn, you said babies?
9/10, looks awesome and Skull Kid is also cool.
(as a random note, I like the name BumblebeeCody, hehe)
Majora's Mask FTW!
Still at least a 10/10
Looks like it's Mega Man themed, and even though I have never played a game that avatar looks really cool!
This thread is going by too fast, everyone can't catch up with each other!
Anyway, 7/10
Yaay, YOSHI!!
It's Link, for crying out loud!!! And the text, and the tri-force and and and... wow!
Bonus Points for rare game :3
BTW, this avatar was actually made by a DYKG user called DarkNerd :3
because I wanted to type that. In reality, 10/10
I sure hope Dark finds this place, his stuff was awesome.
0/10 :I
It's a TRAP :D Get it? Get it?... you got it right? No? Frek' it.
Seriously though, 10/10.
10/10 Darknerd did an amazing job.
8/10 I love DBZA and Ghostbusters!