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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
(10-03-2013, 06:59 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: See, it's funny the first time.

Then you watch it again.

And you see Red's face when Charmander is getting bit.

Then you watch it again

And you see the flame of Charmanders Flame get smaller.

Then you watch it again.

And it's scary, and terrifying.

Also, the way Red's body is positioned, you can see he was really into the battle until that part happened, and he didn't know what to do. He was confused, and wondering what the hell to do.

I wonder if this is going to be in the dub...

Here, have something that is funny, and not terrifying.
I hope Bill's going to be okay
(10-03-2013, 06:59 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: See, it's funny the first time.

Then you watch it again.

And you see Red's face when Charmander is getting bit.

Then you watch it again

And you see the flame of Charmanders Flame get smaller.

Then you watch it again.

And it's scary, and terrifying.

Also, the way Red's body is positioned, you can see he was really into the battle until that part happened, and he didn't know what to do. He was confused, and wondering what the hell to do.

I wonder if this is going to be in the dub...

Here, have something that is funny, and not terrifying.

On a roll with these videos dude. Frikkin' awesome XD

Out for 5 hours. Comeback to the forum and now watching that Charmander video again. Oh my is that good.
(10-03-2013, 07:25 AM)PixelXenoKing Wrote:
(10-03-2013, 06:59 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: See, it's funny the first time.

Then you watch it again.

And you see Red's face when Charmander is getting bit.

Then you watch it again

And you see the flame of Charmanders Flame get smaller.

Then you watch it again.

And it's scary, and terrifying.

Also, the way Red's body is positioned, you can see he was really into the battle until that part happened, and he didn't know what to do. He was confused, and wondering what the hell to do.

I wonder if this is going to be in the dub...

Here, have something that is funny, and not terrifying.
I hope Bill's going to be okay
He's in a better place now.
That Kifflom achievement in GTA V was a pain in the rear end. But at the end of it, it was so worth it (Here's a hint, kill everyone. Don't take the "present" they give you)
So now I get to play GTA V for the school paper.
I repeat, I get to leave school early to play a violent videogame.
I am ok with this.
(10-03-2013, 05:20 PM)Arjahn Wrote: So now I get to play GTA V for the school paper.
I repeat, I get to leave school early to play a violent videogame.
I am ok with this.

Don't forget to mention how it satires modern society and teaches about the stock market.
Sort of regretting my decision now that I've played for a few hours. Well, watched cutscenes and waited on a patch to download THEN played for a few hours.

Dem car controls.
I have a serious craving for Animal Crossing recently. I just need it. I want Tom Nook to steal all of my hard earned bells and I want to spend hours ignoring everything and everyone while trying to catch a pretty butterfly.

Why must video games cost money?
(10-03-2013, 07:29 PM)Arjahn Wrote: Sort of regretting my decision now that I've played for a few hours. Well, watched cutscenes and waited on a patch to download THEN played for a few hours.

Dem car controls.

So... I take it you are not a fan?
I've been playing a bit of the Battlefield 4 beta and it's good, I guess. Soldier movement feels better, it has a bit of weight to it and takes a second or two to get to full sprint. The new default controls are a bit dumb in my opinion, the soldier controls are basically the same except melee is on the right stick, the tanks and land vehicles are controlled with the joystick and not the triggers, and the helicopters are a bit odd to fly.
Playing on PS3, the graphics aren't horrible, but they're pretty ugh. The aliasing is awful and there has been some weird artifacting with fire and the repair tools.
Overall, I'd rather pass on this game, it's nothing special. And the introduction of Battlepacks is a serious turn-off.
(10-05-2013, 09:42 AM)Zaliphone Wrote: I've been playing a bit of the Battlefield 4 beta and it's good, I guess. Soldier movement feels better, it has a bit of weight to it and takes a second or two to get to full sprint. The new default controls are a bit dumb in my opinion, the soldier controls are basically the same except melee is on the right stick, the tanks and land vehicles are controlled with the joystick and not the triggers, and the helicopters are a bit odd to fly.
Playing on PS3, the graphics aren't horrible, but they're pretty ugh. The aliasing is awful and there has been some weird artifacting with fire and the repair tools.
Overall, I'd rather pass on this game, it's nothing special. And the introduction of Battlepacks is a serious turn-off.

Gotta remember man, it is a beta, they're testing the waters at a lower standard than the final game will present.
Also, in all honesty, the sticks thing does make more sense with tanks considering how they actually work.
I understand that it's beta and I hope some things will be fixed. And the only reason I didn't like the stick controls is because I'm just way to used to using triggers, it was a bit jarring going to a stick.
I understand and would be annoyed as well. Honestly though, you've got it better than me. I keep freezing in the loading menus on PC.
I couldn't imagine trying to play the PC version with my computer.
I just came back from a meet up con and I picked up Bubsy 1 for like $6. I am so happy even if I do have a Genesis.

lolololololol post #420

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